CLC – Staffing & Compensation Plan Sample Essay Papers

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CLC – Staffing & Compensation Plan Sample Essay Papers is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.

Develop a 750-1,000 word high level staffing and compensation plan. The plan should contain an introduction and conclusion that make relevant connections to the course objectives.

The purpose of this CLC – Staffing & Compensation Plan Sample Essay Papers assignment is to simulate the thought process that managers use when planning for staffing and compensating employees. Students are not expected to produce a detailed proposal. Rather, the expectation is that students demonstrate consideration of the multiple complexities involved in staffing and compensation.

Obtain the Instructor’s approval on the selected organization before writing the Staffing and Compensation Plan which should include:


  1. Introduction.
  2. Discussion of the staffing needs of your organization.
  3. Explanation of the compensation plan for your organization.
  4. Description of the employee benefits offered.
  5. Conclusion.

Incorporate three to five resources (including your textbook) to support your Staffing and Compensation Plan.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this CLC – Staffing & Compensation Plan Sample Essay Papers assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

CLC – Staffing & Compensation Plan Sample Essay Papers – 1


Computer Repair Services is a family owned business in Ohio. The entity was founded in 1990 within the neighbourhood by James Rollo, who hoped to provide the community with efficient services. The company has grown over the years due to its ethical management and strategic goals that have continued to bring together the pertinent stakeholders CLC – Staffing & Compensation Plan Sample Essay Papers. As it stands, Computer Repair Services is keen on boosting its financial profile, expand globally through e-commerce, embracing strategic mergers and technological advancement.

The company has embarked on notable measures to achieve these goals. This has seen it open up numerous branches in different townships in Ohio in the last decade. With the new branches, there has been a surge in demand when it comes to ensuring that the company maintains its reputation, loyal customers as well as the expected returns. This means that Computer Repair Services must review a few areas within its staffing and compensation to acquire the appropriate talents necessary to ensure that the entity attains its goal within the set timelines CLC – Staffing & Compensation Plan Sample Essay Papers.  There is a need for a strategic plan geared towards improving the interview/ hiring process, employee training, customer service, personnel feedback, recruitment, employee engagement and compensation.

Staffing and Compensation Plan

Effective Date

The plan has an effective date of August 7th, 1990. Any possible alterations to these amendments shall be done 20 years days before the set effective date. Additionally, these changes have to be reviewed and agreed upon by all the owners of Computer Repair Services.


The plan has been crafted to avail detailed set of priorities for all pertinent stakeholders. These new policies will establish a system that will be pursued to aid the company to attain its collective goals.

Human Resource Development

The personnel at Computer Repair Services must comprehend what is required of them. The HR department is responsible for hiring, staffing, training, payroll, and interviews.  The HRM is mandated to establish methods that ensure that all roles above are completed in line with the organizational goals CLC – Staffing & Compensation Plan Sample Essay Papers.


To attract potential personnel, the company management will direct the HR department to advertise various openings through the most efficient media platforms. This may entail the company website, social media and job search sites. Additionally, the HR department may also pursue an employee referral program to enhance the involvement of the other employees in the company’s quest to acquire new talent.

Hiring Process

All the interested candidates will undergo an assessment test that will enable the recruiting team to narrow down to the best-qualified individuals. The shortlisted individuals will further be subjected to other tests which will centre on criminal background as well as drug and alcohol problem.

Interview Process

The interview process will see the shortlisted individuals engage with the recruitment panel. The process will involve the provision of comprehensive questionnaires and also one on one interviews which will be vital in ascertaining whether the shortlisted candidates are the right fit for the company.

New Personnel Training

The candidates that are officially recruited will be subjected to rigorous training. This will entail learning about the basic code of conduct, organizational goals and company history. By having this foundational training, the hire trainees will be equipped with the tools that will ensure that they are ready for further intensive employee training. In this respect, the human resource department will implement a list of goals that all trainees must have fulfilled within the set training time.

Employee Training

At this stage, training will continue to take place, but under the close supervision of training officers selected in each department by the Human Resource department. The training at this stage will be tailor-made for each role or job position that each had been recruited for. The HR department will develop an outlined framework of what trainings what will be the most appropriate for each new employee or candidate. The training ought to center on key areas that the company hopes to boost such as customer service.


The budget must be arrived at through mutual understanding by all key stakeholders. The amount of assets committed to staffing and compensation must be ascertained through the advice of the human resource department. The human resource budget must also reflect the new additions to the staff as well as the current employees to ensure that it’s attuned to the company’s financial standing.


Compensation Payments

The human resource department will establish the compensation plans. The compensation plans may be weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. All employees will be compensated on an hourly basis at a competitive rate. The rate will be reviewed on an annual basis after taking into consideration each employee’s performance.


The human resource department is a major function in the ultimate success of the Computer Repair Services. Good staffing and compensation for employees will be integral in aiding the company to promote efficiency and attainment of set goals. The staffing and compensation will, therefore, be appropriate in setting standards that will guide the human resource department in its future engagements.



Noe, R., Hollenbeck, J., & Gerhart, B. (2015). Human Resource Management (9th ed.). New York, New York: McGraw-Hill Education.


CLC – Staffing & Compensation Plan Sample Essay Papers – 2

Peoples Dry Cleaning LLC, is a small family owned business. Back in 1955 the Peoples family decided to open a neighborhood dry cleaning company that would be a friendly environment for all customers and employees. As of today Peoples Dry cleaning wants to improve their economic outlook, expand internationally via internet business, buy out some competitors and advance in technology (Scenario generator, n.d). To complete these goals Peoples Dry Cleaning will have to expand the company by opening locations in different areas. This is possible being as though Peoples Dry cleaning has a very good business reputation, loyal customers, experienced management and a positive cash flow (Scenario generator, n.d). However, there are some areas of staffing that need to be addressed. It is evident that the organization needs a strategic plan that will improve hiring/interview process, training, employee feedback, customer service, staffing, compensation and employee engagement. Attached you will read a staffing and compensation plan that was developed to help Peoples Dry Cleaning achieve their goals.

Effective Date

The effective date of this staffing and compensation plan is June 1, 2016. Any amendments to this plan shall be done 30 days prior to the effective date. All amendments have to be reviewed and approved by all owners of Peoples Dry Cleaning LLC.


This plan has been developed to create a detailed set of priorities for all stakeholders. These new policies will create regulation and develop a system to be followed that will help Peoples Dry Cleaning LLC reach the common goals of the organization. CLC – Staffing & Compensation Plan Sample Essay Papers.

Human Resource Department

The HRM department has to understand what is expected of them. The human resource department is responsible for staffing, hiring, interviews, trainings and payroll. It is to be understood that HRM comes up with methods that will ensure that all duties are completed in every effort to complete the goals of the organization.


To attract potential candidates, the owners will direct the HRM department to carry out necessary measure that will appeal to the outside world. This can be done by using websites that advertise open position such as Monster or Indeed. Another way to attract new staff when position is open, is to create an employee referral program. Entice current employees by offering incentives for recruiting new employees. CLC – Staffing & Compensation Plan Sample Essay Papers.

Hiring process

Develop a plan that allows the HRM department to do a process of elimination during the hiring process. Have all candidates complete an assessment test that will narrow down who is qualified for the position. HRM should also complete standard test such as drug and alcohol test and a criminal background check.

Interview Process

The interview process should be the part of the hiring process that the HRM department gets to know all candidates. During this process there should be a constructive questionnaire that will establish a relationship between the HRM department and employees. This can be done by telephone, in person or with a group CLC – Staffing & Compensation Plan Sample Essay Papers.

New hire training

New employees will have to complete new hire training before starting actual work. During this time new employees will be paid for training and complete an orientation class. The human resource department will implement a list of objective for all trainees to complete.

Employee Training

Training has to be a continued method used by the human resource department. Training will ensure that all employees know how to complete task that are prearranged for them CLC – Staffing & Compensation Plan Sample Essay Papers. Human resource will develop an outlined list of what trainings that will be the most effective for each employee. Trainings should consist of areas that need attention like: customer service, employee feedback diversity etc.


The organizations budget has to be understood by all stakeholders. Human resource has to know how much of the company assets are to go towards the compensations of employees, hiring fees and training fees. This department will establish what amount is granted to all new employees as well as current ones, when and where to spend funds so the budget is not over CLC – Staffing & Compensation Plan Sample Essay Papers.


Compensation payments

It is the human resource department that will establish when employees receive payments. It can be done on a weekly, bi-weekly or semi-weekly period. All employees will be compensated on the same day for work hours completed in a specific period. If no work hours were completed, no pay will be compensated to that individual. CLC – Staffing & Compensation Plan Sample Essay Papers.

Raise and promotion process

All employees will be compensated based of the skills and qualifications discussed in the interview process. Human resource will develop when raises are to be giving to the entire staff. Raises can be done annually or every six months depending on return of interest for the company. When an employee is promoted to a new position, an increase in pay will be granted to that employee. If a demotion is necessary, pay will be decreased as well.


Statement of compensation

The human resource department has to communicate to all new and current employees how the process of compensation works. This should be done before the hiring process is complete. It is important for each party to understand how much and how often payment will be distributed. The same goes for current employees who may be promoted. CLC – Staffing & Compensation Plan Sample Essay Papers.


In conclusion the human resource department is a major function in the success of Peoples Dry Cleaning LLC. Establishing a good foundation for the staffing and compensation of employees will set standards for the human resource department to follow when recruiting new employees. It is important to make sure that the HRM department understands and displays the mission statement, culture and values of the organization CLC – Staffing & Compensation Plan Sample Essay Papers.



Scenario generator. (n.d.). Retrieved February 16, 2016, from


CLC – Staffing & Compensation Plan Sample Essay Papers – 3


When looking to find information on the internet it usually starts with searching the web through Google. Google has turned into a global powerhouse, and is used constantly on an everyday basis. According to Google (2018) The company started in the Stanford dorms, then moved to their California garage, and since has grown into a publicly traded company who has hired more than 60,000 employees in 50 different countries. This rapid growth is unprecedented, and speaks volumes on how Google has brought in key people to build this organization. CLC – Staffing & Compensation Plan Sample Essay Papers. This growth gives a unique opportunity to look at the human resources department, and understand the successful processes in place which managers at Google have deployed. Also, it gives the opportunity to view the staffing and compensation plans, and look into alternative ways for them to get better. Throughout this research some key topics discussed are the staffing needs for Google, an explanation of the new improved compensation plan, and how unique benefits offered to these employees would help the company.

Discussion of the staffing needs of your organization


Explanation of the compensation plan for your organization

Compensation and benefits are an essential part of the human resource management for every organization.  Compensation and benefits can be placed in categories such as cash compensation (salary, merit increases, bonuses) and benefits (health insurance, paid vacation, unemployment compensation) (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, and Wright, 2014) CLC – Staffing & Compensation Plan Sample Essay Papers.

Pay structure refers to a framework that helps to assess different jobs, grouping similar types of jobs together, and define formal pay structure for salary as well as compensation (Noe, et al., 2014).  To set the pay level for each position offered, the market value of each position needs to be known.  This way the salary will be right for each candidate and will stay within the organization’s budget.  An organization can find this information for free at the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.  Google Inc. uses a compensation committee to review the positions and salary rates to ensure to remain within the budget (Gillett, 2015).

Google, Inc. also uses benchmarking as a tool to find the best employees for evaluations and pay raises.  (Gillett, 2015).  Benchmarking is a procedure in which an organization compares its practices against those of the competition (Noe, et al., 2014).  This method helps the compensation committee evaluate employees to find their worth and find the best performer and decide the pay increase.

Google, Inc. also offers a competitive compensation program to their executives and non-executive employees to provide rewards, bonuses, and incentives, (Google, 2018). CLC – Staffing & Compensation Plan Sample Essay Papers. To provide compensation and benefits, Google uses their compensation committee within the organization as part of the human resource department that sets parameters for any pay raises.  Bonuses are decided during the Christmas season for employees that go above and beyond their job description (Google, 2018).  This leads to the benefits that Google offers.

Description of the employee benefits offered

“Google heavily pampers its employees while still being able to extract one-of-a-kind and outstanding ideas and products from them.”(Konyu-Fogel, 2014) The company does offer the usual benefits such as “flex spending accounts, an amazing no-cost health and dental benefits, insurance, a 401K plan, vacation packages and tuition reimbursements for its employees.” (Google Inc., 2015)  However, “Google is better known for some really distinctive and more than just attractive perks and benefits which just serve to show the very extreme lengths the company goes to make its employees consistently happy” (Google Inc., 2015), such as bringing your dog to work if you chose to.  At the world famous Googleplex, there is an onsite doctor, a facility to wash or dry clean your clothes massage therapy, carwash, gym, and the employees can have the oiled changed in their vehicle free of charge.  The human resource department at Google has done an excellent job in regards to the benefits that Google offers to its employees, because it absolutely has attracted some of the most highly qualified and smart people in the industry. CLC – Staffing & Compensation Plan Sample Essay Papers.



From the garage to the Googleplex (2018) Google. Retrieved from:

Gillett, R. (2015, July 10). How Google decides how much you’ll make working there. Retrieved December 15, 2018, from CLC – Staffing & Compensation Plan Sample Essay Papers

Lombardo, J. (2017, January 28). Google’s HRM: Compensation, Career Development. Retrieved December 12, 2018, from

Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. M. (2014). Human resource management: Gaining a competitive advantage (9th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. ISBN-13: 9780078112768 CLC – Staffing & Compensation Plan Sample Essay Papers.

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