AMP 434 Human Resource Management Discussion Essays Papers

AMP 434 Week 2 Benchmark Assessment, Strategic HRM Plan
AMP 434 Week 4 Benchmark Assessment, Staffing & Compensation Plan
AMP 434 Week 4 Benchmark Assessment, Staffing & Compensation Plan
AMP 434 Week 6 Assignment, Performance Management Cycle Plan
AMP 434 Week 6 Assignment, Performance Management Cycle Plan
AMP 434 Week 7 Assignment, Reflective Summary of Strategic HRM
AMP 434 Week 7 Assignment, Reflective Summary of Strategic HRM
Module 1 Discussion Question 1 and 2
Module 2 Discussion Question 1 and 2
Module 3 Discussion Question 1 and 2
Module 4 Discussion Question 1 and 2
Module 5 Discussion Question 1 and 2
Module 6 Discussion Question 1 and 2
Module 7 Discussion Question 1 and 2
Module 8 Discussion Question 1 and 2

AMP 434 Human Resources Complete Course

GRAND CANYON AMP434 Week 1 Discussion 1 & 2

dq 1

This course contains a number of resources to aid in student learning and success. Familiarize yourself with the following:

  1. 1. AMP-434 Course Overview
  2. 2. HRM Webliography
  3. 3. Scenario Generator

After examining these resources, do the following:

  • From the Scenario Generator, create your Scenario Generator Report.
  • Attach your Scenario Generator Reportto Module 1 DQ 1.
  • Describe how the HRM Webliographymight be useful in your current work situation, or in a position you hope to hold in the future.

Ask any questions you might have about course assignments and/or using the Scenario Generator.

dq 2

Strategic human resource management (HRM) has been defined as a consistent pattern of planned human resources activities and deployments intended to enable an organization to meet its goals. Further, strategic HRM, also consists of many components including aligning the utilization of human resources with the mission, vision, values and culture of the organization, as well as branding, competitive advantage, organizational development, diversity management, organizational structure, and evidence-based HRM.

Using resources, other than your textbook, identify an organization that successfully implemented strategic HRM initiatives. Present the initiatives and discuss the business strategies achieved as a result of the initiatives.

GRAND CANYON AMP434 Week 2 Discussion 1 & 2

dq 1

Identify an organizational-level goal that would be incorporated into an annual business strategy (e.g., financial performance, service, productivity, competitive advantage, innovation.). Develop three organizational development strategies relating to HRM you would utilize as a manager to support this goal. Create the goals utilizing SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely) criteria, specifically identifying how the goal will be measured using evidence-based HRM.

dq 2

Access the Scenario Generator.Create a scenario for Project 1: Strategic HRM Proposal. The characteristics of this scenario should differ from the characteristics in your Scenario Generator Report. Briefly compare and contrast these characteristics with the characteristics in your Scenario Generator Report.How would organizational strategy differ between the two scenarios?\

AMP 434 Week 2 Strategic HRM Plan Benchmark Assessment


Write a high-level strategic human resource management plan (3–4 pages).

The purpose of this assignment is to simulate the thought process managers use to connect unit goals with organizational strategy. The students are not expected to produce a detailed strategic plan (which in actual organizations can exceed 100 pages). Rather, the expectation is that students demonstrate consideration of the multiple complexities involved in strategic planning.

The assignment is centered on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) model of analysis, and the specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) model of goal setting.

Access the GCU Library, relevant course materials, Internet resources, and the HRM Webliography to research SWOT analysis, SMART goals, and models of strategic proposals.

Access your Scenario Generator Report, which includes a description of the organization, points to reflect on, a SWOT analysis, and directions for a SMART goals report. Use this information to write the Strategic HRM Proposal.

The Strategic HRM Proposal should be in the form of a professional report. There is no single, correct manner of presentation. Creative thinking is expected. The formatting is secondary to the content and application of knowledge. However, the proposal should be organized in a readily comprehensible manner that conveys a thorough understanding of course objectives. Graphics, bulleted lists, tables, and charts are acceptable. Include the following:

  • Introduction and conclusion that make relevant connections to course objectives.
  • Summary of the organizational description included in your Scenario Generator Report.
  • Reflection and application of each point included in your Scenario Generator Report (two to three fully developed sentences per item).

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Instructors will be using a grading rubric to grade the assignments. It is recommended that learners review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment in order to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

The Strategic HRM Proposal is the first of four assignments. The organizational profile developed for the Strategic HRM Proposal by the HRM Scenario Generator will be used in the remaining three assignments.

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin, unless otherwise directed by your instructor. If so directed, refer to the Student Success Center for directions. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.

GRAND CANYON AMP434 Week 3 Discussion 1 & 2

dq 1

Pre-employment testing can be an effective tool in the selection of qualified candidates. Testing can include, but is not limited to the following areas: personality, talent assessment, job task proficiency and productivity, physical ability, drug testing, lie-detector analysis, background checks, cognitive assessment, emotional intelligence, credit checks, computer literacy, basic skills, and English proficiency. Select three types of pre-employment testing and discuss the purpose, effectiveness in the selection process, legal parameters for use of the testing, costs associated with administration of the testing, and recommendation for the use of the testing.

dq 2

Successful interviews are carefully planned and executed events. Discuss the purpose and successful application of different types of interview environments (traditional, panel or committee, group, telephone, etc.) and questions (behavioral, situational, open-ended, case studies, etc.). Include a discussion of how to avoid the use of illegal interview questions.

GRAND CANYON AMP434 Week 4 Discussion 1 & 2

Dq 1

The purpose of this discussion question is to share with your classmates the nature of your Scenario Generator Report, and for you to have the opportunity to compare ideas and understanding with your colleagues.

  • Attach a copy of your Scenario Generator Report.
  • Summarize the general characteristics of your organization.
  • In subsequent posts for Module 4, compare the characteristics of your organization with that of your classmates.

Dq 2

Organizations can avoid investing in training and development activities because it is difficult to quantify the ROI (return on investment). As a manager who has identified a need for training and development in your organization, develop a training and development proposal to be presented to the leadership team. Include a brief overview of different delivery methods for training and development, expected outcomes, and potential return on investment. Include a citation for your research.

AMP 434 Week 4 Staffing & Compensation Plan Benchmark Assessment


Develop a high level staffing and compensation plan (4–5 pages). The plan should contain an introduction and conclusion that make relevant connections to course objectives. The body of the plan is an annotated presentation of the concepts listed in your Scenario Generator Report.

The purpose of this assignment is to simulate the thought process that managers use when planning for staffing and compensating employees. The students are not expected to produce a detailed proposal. Rather, the expectation is that students demonstrate consideration of the multiple complexities involved in staffing and compensation.

Access the “Deliverables” section of the Staffing & Compensation Plan within your Scenario Generator Report. Your Scenario Generator Reportprovides the context for the plan which should:

  • Discuss the staffing needs of your organization.
  • Thoughtfully discuss each listed item (two to three fully developed sentences per item).

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected.

Instructors will be using a grading rubric to grade the assignments. It is recommended that learners review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment in order to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin, unless otherwise directed by your instructor. If so directed, refer to the Student Success Center for directions. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.

GRAND CANYON AMP434 Week 5 Discussion 1 & 2

dq 1

Access the GRAND CANYONU Library. Locate a current and reliable source of information on the performance management cycle. Discuss the components of the performance management cycle and the frequency each component is conducted over the course of an annual performance management cycle.

dq 2

Assume the role as the chair of the Recognition and Rewards Committee for an organization of 50 employees. Prepare a recommendation from your committee on how to allocate the $5,000 annual budget to maximize employee engagement and motivation. (Hint: Don’t forget that non-monetary means of recognition and rewards can be just as effective as monetary means.)

GRAND CANYON AMP434 Week 6 Discussion 1 & 2

dq 1

Discuss the components and purpose of types of leaves-of-absence, including FMLA, military, personal, and sabbaticals. If the leave type is mandated by law, discuss the employer responsibilities and benefits to the employee.

dq 2

Managers share responsibility for employee performance and have an active role to play in the performance management cycle. Terminology that is often used to describe the actions of a manager in the performance management cycle include coaching, counseling, corrective action, progressive disciplinary plan, and termination. Define each of these terms, the circumstances under which they are utilized, and their intended purpose. You may also include a description of the terms and processes used by your organization.

AMP 434 Week 6 Assignment Performance Management Cycle Plan


Develop a high level performance management cycle plan (4–5 pages). The plan should contain an introduction and conclusion that makes relevant connections to course objectives. The body of the plan is an annotated presentation of the concepts listed in your Scenario Generator Report.

The purpose of this assignment is to simulate the thought process that managers use when evaluating the various elements of performance management. The students are not expected to produce a detailed plan. Rather, the expectation is that students demonstrate consideration of the multiple complexities involved in the performance management cycle.

Access the “Deliverables” section of the Performance Management Cycle Plan within your Scenario Generator Report. Your Scenario Generator Reportprovides the context for the plan.

Carefully consider the characteristics of the various organizational descriptors in your Scenario Generator Report.

Thoughtfully discuss each listed item (2–3 fully developed sentences per item).

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected.

Instructors will be using a grading rubric to grade the assignments. It is recommended that learners review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment in order to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.


You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin, unless otherwise directed by your instructor. If so directed, refer to the Student Success Center for directions. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin

GRAND CANYON AMP434 Week 7 Discussion 1 & 2

dq 1

Effective managers can successfully locate and apply relevant human resources laws and regulations. The United States Department of Labor website is an excellent source of reliable information.

Access the search box of the U.S. Department of Labor website located at

Choose three laws from the list below to research:

  • Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA)
  • Consolidated Omnibus Reconciliation Act (COBRA)
  • Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
  • Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN)
  • Employment Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)
  • National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)
  • Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA)
  • Sarbanes-Oxley Act (See whistleblower protection provisions.)

For each of your three chosen laws, provide a bulleted list of five or six relevant facts that you believe have significance for line managers.

dq 2

Do you think there is a difference between diversity management and affirmative action? Please provide an explanation for your response.

AMP 434 Week 7 Assignment Reflective Summary of Strategic HRM


Write a reflective summary (750–1,000 words).

Consider your Scenario Generator Report and the previous three assignments. Assume the role of a unit manager who is evaluating the last year and looking ahead to the next year. Do the following:

  • Include an introduction and conclusion that make relevant connections to course objectives.
  • Connect your experience with course assignments to the course objectives.
  • Synthesize the various elements of your Scenario Generator Report and the previous three assignments in a manner that demonstrates mastery of essential concepts and principles.
  • Discuss successes and areas of improvement for the future.

Your paper should demonstrate critical and creative thinking.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected.

Instructors will be using a grading rubric to grade the assignments. It is recommended that learners review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment in order to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin, unless otherwise directed by your instructor. If so directed, refer to the Student Success Center for directions. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.

GRAND CANYON AMP434 Week 8 Discussion 1 & 2

dq 1

Effective managers stay abreast of current HR topics.

Some relevant issues facing today’s managers include: global HRM, labor relations, social media, whistleblower rules, e-HRM/self-service the knowledge economy, outsourcing pros and cons, managing four different generations in the workforce, increasing age of the workforce, employee privacy, the glass ceiling, implications of baby boomer retirements, immigration, social responsibility, elder care, executive pay, and alternative work arrangements.

Select three topics from the list above (or choose other current topics that are not included). Research each topic. For each of your three chosen topics, provide a bulleted list of four or five relevant points that you believe have significance for line managers.

dq 2

Effective managers stay abreast of current HR topics.

Some relevant issues facing today’s managers include: global HRM, labor relations, social media, whistleblower rules, e-HRM/self-service, moving from transactional to strategic HRM, the knowledge economy, outsourcing pros and cons, managing four different generations in the workforce, increasing age of the workforce, the glass ceiling, implications of baby boomer retirements, immigration, social responsibility, elder care, executive pay, and alternative work arrangements.

Select three topics from the list above (other than the topics you researched in Module 8 DQ 1). Research each topic. For each of your three chosen topics, provide a bulleted list of five or six relevant facts that you believe have significance for line managers




The yearlong collaborative process is an important part in role of a unit manager, evaluation and feedback gives a formal opportunity to review employee’s performance. While working on previous assignments there are several factors linked together in order to achieve the course objectives. HR input is very relevant information for any manager and the five components of strategy formulation of HR input are mission, goal, internal analysis includes strengths and weaknesses, external analysis includes opportunities and threats and the strategic choice, (Noe, 2015. p81-82). After reviewing the previous three assignments, it is understandable that it’s a focus on the strategic HRM objectives by discussing certain elements of scenario and by identifying the major successes and evaluation of areas that requires improvement in future for the success of the business.

Objectives of Strategic HRM

Firstly, the objective of the course is very clear and précised that includes the ethical issues, regulatory, legality and fairness regarding managing diversity and affirmative action and all these issues relates to HRM. A good HRM strategy foundation are based on “five important variables determine success in strategy implementation: organizational structure; task design; the selection, training, and development of people; reward systems; and types of information and information systems”, (Noe, 2015. p85). As a personal experience, the course assignments provided a vast knowledge in relations to Human Capital with the direct objective focus on HRM proposal, compensation and hiring plan and performance management cycle. These elements created a cognitive realism that encourages the critical and creative thinking with the wide consideration of many facets of HRM.

Synthesize – Elements of Scenario

Furthermore, it is important to start with the most valuable element of the project or scenario; the “Deliverables” are the most relevant part of the scenario since it “can be given to either an external or internal customer and satisfies a milestone or due date that is created and produced in the project plan”(Burley, 2017. Para1). The deliveries focus on the SMART goals where the aspects of business can be executed in strategically and systematic perspectives. The scenario consists many elements that can help improve the marketability of a company; the organizational background is a factor that provides information on company culture and structure. The brief analysis of SWOT is also an element that helps in improving the organizations current situation as it identifies the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of an organization and evaluates business solid strategic plans. “SWOT framework; can start to craft a strategy that helps in distinguish one from competitors, so that they can compete successfully in your market” (Mind Tools Ltd, 1996-2017.para2). In the scenario, one of the significant elements are milestone mentioned in the SMART goal as in help to anchor the employees on the deadline of any project, and mostly on the progress of any project to see how far the project is to achieve the set goal to gain success. “Milestones are like dashboard reviews of a project. Number of activities, which were planned at the beginning of the project with their individual timelines, is reviewed for their status” (Milestone, 2017.para 4). The strategic HRM proposal, hiring plan & compensation package proposal, the performance management cycle demonstration, and the executive summary context and background for the assignment, as well as for a description of the deliverable, (GCU, 2013). All three assignments are related to the scenario and have various components of HRM holistically that synthesizes the course objectives.

Areas of Successes and Improvement

Moreover, there are some successes and also lots of room for improvement and by practicing the business SWOT analysis, the opportunities will uncover the understanding of weaknesses of the business and any other threat that can be eliminated or managed. The success that the company gained is that from the time of establishment the company got good relationship with customers and built loyal customers, customers are foundation of any organization. Some major areas of improvement in this situation is that there are number of negative feedbacks mentioned by the customers and for all businesses customers are first priority therefore there should be effective consideration given to improve that part. As mentioned in all assignments the major weakness in the scenario is the non-existence of HRM, in order to get success in business the existence of HRM is very important, factors mentioned in the deliveries are possible by having proper setup of departments. As a unit manager it is important to close the gaps in skills by giving annual budget proposal to maximize employee engagement and motivation that should include a portion for training the employees. The weakness that might need improvement in future is that it is a family owned business the labor laws and regulation may not be in effect as it is required since there is no proper department to plan and organize that therefore overall the HRM existence again comes in picture.


            To summarize, the deliveries of the scenario provides the evaluation of an organization and the Reflective Summary of Strategic HRM, which connects these deliverables into a cohesive summation and application of course objectives. After synthesizing the concepts and elements of the scenario and the three assignments, it can be concluded that the course objectives is achieved with the clear reflection of HRM strategy, which connects these deliverables into a cohesive summation and application of course objectives. In this situation and scenario based on medium sized family owned computer business, there are many loose ends that can be closed by focusing on Strategic HRM Proposal. Success of a business is also based on hiring and compensation plan HR plays important role since “the staff planning is a systematic process to ensure that an organization has the right number of people with the right skills to fulfill business needs” (SHRM, 2017. Para1). The management planning cycle helps to motivate and keep good discipline at work but following the regular policy and procedures. The success and weakness depends on employee and manager relations, there is need for evaluation, recognition and coaching and training to fill the gaps that can be a hindering factor of achieving certain goals.


GCU (2013). AMP-434 Course Overview.

Kermit Burley (2017). What Is a Deliverable in Project Management?

Noe, R., Hollenbeck, J., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. (2015). Human resource management (9th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education. ISBN: 9780078112768.

Mind Tools Ltd (1996-2017). SWOT Analysis.

Milestone (project management). (2017, March 22). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 22:56, April 28, 2017, from

SHRM. (2017). Staffing: Planning: How do we develop a staffing plan? Retrieved from:

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