Understanding Organization Goals and Objectives Paper.

Understanding Organization Goals and Objectives Paper.

Your CEO has requested your team to come up with a specific corporate social
responsibility cause, initiative, idea or program that will have the biggest positive impact
on the local community in Doha and / or Qatar.
The objective of your task is:
• To identify your specific corporate social responsibility cause, initiative, idea or program. Understanding Organization Goals and Objectives Paper.
• To highlight the reasons why you recommend this idea
• To identify an implementation plan that includes timelines, responsibilities and budgets
to execute this idea.
• To identify Sidra policies that will impact the execution of your proposal
You will have 2 hours at the end of the day to complete this task. The
presentations will take place tomorrow during the training session. Your idea
needs to be Specific, Actionable and Impactful.
Your Group Task
Your task includes:
 Creating a 5-slide presentation that address the objectives of the task and includes:
• An overview of the cause
• Rationale / reasons for your idea
• The expected impact it will have on the community
• Execution plan including timelines, responsibilities and budgets
 Please note that each team will get 10 minutes for their presentation. Followed by 5
minutes of Q&A. Understanding Organization Goals and Objectives Paper.


Ground Rules:
 You may leave the room during the preparation time at the end of the day
 You can use your phones, internet to support your research and idea pha
The Planning Process
The Planning Process
the Vision and
Setting Goals
and Objectives
Progress to
Cost and
What the Military Teaches About the Importance
of Planning. Understanding Organization Goals and Objectives Paper.
The Planning Process
the Vision and
Setting Goals
and Objectives
Progress to
Cost and
What are Goals?
What are Objectives?
Goals Vs. Objectives
• An end result that is meant to
be achieved within a certain
• General statement of
• Specific measurable action to
reach a goal by a certain time
• Often used interchangeably
with the word ‘targets’
Source: Ultimate Learning Resources Content
Licensed to The Talent Enterprise. Understanding Organization Goals and Objectives Paper.
Group Task
Please list 3 goals and 3 objectives for your Group Task
Some Examples

Understanding Organization Goals and Objectives Paper.

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