Training Improvement to Maintain Proper use of PPE in Clinic Setting Essay.

Training Improvement to Maintain Proper use of PPE in Clinic Setting Essay.

This is a nursing evidence based, improvement project for end of residency. Content created needs to be of high corporate quality, proper grammar/configuration and meet all the detailed requirements for print and poster board presentation. Attached will be included a powerpoint with all of the instructions to be utilized, font, size, outline and overall setup of project. Review powerpoint thoroughly for all instructions. 100% plagiarism free.Training Improvement to Maintain Proper use of PPE in Clinic Setting Essay.

Changes in the nursing practice are addressed as follows:

1. Identify problem

2. Review literature

3.Conduct research

4.Develop an implementation plan

5. Evaluate results


Every day, people touch and carry a range of potential pathogens, some of which will ultimately cause infections. Training Improvement to Maintain Proper use of PPE in Clinic Setting Essay.This includes healthcare personnel (HCP) and patients in healthcare settings where there are frequent opportunities for close contact that can lead to transmission of organisms between HCP and patients. Unrecognized transmission of pathogens can lead to colonization and infection of both patients and HCP. While many pathogens can lead to harm to patients, a few also pose a high risk to HCP. Personal protective equipment (PPE) is an important component in infection control strategies to protect HCP. By preventing contamination of HCP hands and garments, PPE is intended to prevent infections in the individual HCP, as well as secondary spread to other HCP and to patients. Understanding how and where HCP contamination occurs is important for improving PPE and infection control practices for both routine and specialized patient care. The 2014–2016 Ebola outbreak brought to light important gaps in HCP use of PPE and implementation of strategies for preventing patient-to-HCP transmission. Recent studies on Ebola-specific PPE and routine healthcare PPE, as described in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines , have shown that optimal use is difficult, HCP may alter healthcare delivery when utilizing PPE, and self-contamination occurs during the use of PPE, potentially endangering HCP and patients. Furthermore, strategies to address these challenges often lack strong evidence for effectiveness [. To increase our knowledge and facilitate improved design and use of PPE, the CDC expanded research and innovation funding through the CDC Prevention Epicenters Program beginning in 2015. The 2015 Prevention Epicenters investments focused on contact transmission and optimizing PPE use for preventing transmission in healthcare settings.


The CDC Prevention Epicenters Program is a unique collaborative research partnership among public health and academic medical centers in the United States that perform research and innovation in the prevention of healthcare-associated infections and antibiotic resistance. This supplement to Clinical Infectious Diseases provides insights from the recent work of the Prevention Epicenters Program for improving routine use of PPE and Ebola-specific PPE and for preventing contact transmission of pathogens to better protect patients and HCP. Although settings, equipment, and instructions for donning and doffing of routine PPE differ from Ebola-specific practices, insights gained from one scenario can be applied to the other. In this article, we discuss the recent work of the Prevention Epicenters, summarize the findings of their work presented in this supplement, and describe future directions for improving PPE and its use in healthcare settings.


Transmission of microbes between patients and HCP during routine care is common, regardless of whether the patient is actively infected or asymptomatically colonized. HCP can be contaminated during direct contact with patient skin or bodily fluids (direct contact transmission) or by contact with the patient’s environment (indirect contact transmission). The hands of HCP are frequently contaminated and are sources of transmission to others and to the environment. HCP clothing, including white coats, can also become contaminated and serve as a reservoir for pathogens. Standard precautions, including hand hygiene and the use of PPE, are the cornerstone to preventing transmission, based on the potential for exposure to blood, body fluids, or infectious material. Additional contact precautions are applied when a patient has a documented or suspected diagnosis with which contact with the patient, their body fluids, or their environment presents a substantial transmission risk [3]. Training Improvement to Maintain Proper use of PPE in Clinic Setting Essay.

Many factors related to the patient and HCP affect the risk for HCP contamination. Patient factors associated with pathogen shedding include their microbial burden, antibiotic exposures, and patient conditions, such as open wounds and bowel incontinence . The type of HCP interactions with patients  and their environment  also influence the risk for contamination. Several Prevention Epicenters studies aimed to better identify HCP-to-patient interactions that resulted in contamination. Epicenters investigators found that that high-risk HCP-to-patient interactions involve direct contact with the patient or bodily fluids and include activities such as touching endotracheal tubes, changing wound dressings, and assisting with bathing, whereas low-risk interactions involve minimal patient contact, for example, glucose monitoring and medication assistance . Understanding when HCP are at highest risk for contamination can help inform control strategies, including PPE.


Preventing exposures to infectious material in the healthcare setting is a fundamental part of protecting HCP and patients. Traditionally, a hierarchy of controls (Figure 1) has been used to determine how to implement feasible and effective control solutions to occupational hazards. The hierarchy ranks controls according to their effectiveness, leading with elimination of a hazard as the most potentially effective control, and ending with PPE, whose effectiveness relies on consistent and correct use. In healthcare settings, elimination of an infectious disease from a facility is typically not possible, as patients with infections require medical care. Preventing the transmission of infectious agents that are spread by contact primarily involves the use of engineering controls (such as maintaining private patient isolation rooms), administrative controls (such as limiting patient movement out of isolation rooms to medical necessity only), and PPE. Because other control solutions cannot completely eliminate the risk for exposure to infectious diseases in healthcare settings, PPE remains an important tool in a comprehensive strategy for preventing the transmission of pathogens from patients to HCP.

Figure 1.
Hierarchy of controls for occupational hazards [15]. Abbreviation: PPE, personal protective equipment.

Training Improvement to Maintain Proper use of PPE in Clinic Setting Essay.

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