Team Performance and Productivity Assignment.

Team Performance and Productivity Assignment.

This paper relates to changes in an organization focusing on teamwork and team decisions. I try to analyze how teamwork affects our lives and how it affects our interactions with co-workers. The term “team” is often used to refer to groups that meet over time to complete a project and then windup or is used to describe a group that operates solely as a team, with the role of leader alternating (self-directed work teams), or a traditional staff that meets as a group on an ongoing basis to discuss operating issues (Robbins & Judge, 2013). The conduct of a team may not be banal from an understanding of every member.Team Performance and Productivity Assignment.

Blake and Mouton analyzed group behaviors in the 1960s and identified three groups of behaviors that occur in most groups (Border, L., 1997). Being a member of the family, playing on a sports team, and voting for the same rights are all ways to be part of a team. I will be focusing on teamwork in the workplace and how it can be effective in achieving the goals that are set before the employees by having a good leader set in place, using effective communication, and holding meaningful meetings; as well as how teamwork in the workplace can be ineffective by having conflict or no goal expectations.


Individuals occasionally act in response to every member of a team as though they were equal and pick out ones behavioral traits that match the presumptions of the team. This kind of typecasting brings about gullible opinions for example, demonstrating unsighted admiration towards associates of certain groups and uniformly unsighted lack of respect for associates of other groups. Members of a high performance team can use the Analysis of Group Behaviors Chart to plan and set acceptable and unacceptable behaviors. This also helps to encourage team members to focus on the tasks at hand (Border, L., 1997).

Team building activities is one other way to enhance teamwork in an organization. In the case of Trackstar Alliance, management briefings and day long projects were held so that members from various teams were allowed to work on projects with people from other groups. This allowed interaction between people from the allied companies and build up closer working relationships and understanding of others roles in the projects. They also had sessions where people were allowed to talk about concepts or strategies which are not working and this allowed brainstorming to solve these problems. Such open communication helps people interact and understand each other’s views as well as reduce the amount of disagreements.

One very important challenge is for managers/leaders to appreciate team embers as competent individuals who can self manage and self lead. A leaders role should just to orientate team members towards organizational goals. If the team members are able to self lead and allowed to handle responsibilities on their own, they will work hard to achieve both intrinsic and extrinsic goals which in turn will benefit the organization. Teamwork is about several people doing different parts of a project and having it come together effectively and on time, like a puzzle of sorts.

Directed by a motivated leader who guides the team by training and developing his or her team to perform at the highest level possible to reach the goals that were set to achieve. By setting clear roles and responsibilities for the team, having a team dynamic that works and is organized, as well as open communication, teamwork in the workplace can be an effective means of reaching desired goals. In order for a team to work best together they must forgo the four stages of team development.Team Performance and Productivity Assignment. These four stages are Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing. Some of the best teams in the workplace are the more diverse. Diversity in teams is also an important concept in challenging collaboration for more diverse “out-of-the-box” thinking.

Although these teams may be hard to come together in the beginning, these are the teams that usually end up thriving in the end. In some cases, teamwork can be infective in the workplace. Depending on the team dynamic, not all teams are going to get along. Change also happens which in some cases pushes teams apart. Having a strong leader is most important in making sure you team will function properly. Also, rewarding members of the team for successes is a good way to keep morale up and keep team members positive.

An important part of being a leader in managing an effective team is knowing who it is you are actually leading. As a way of maximizing performance of the team in the workplace it is important for the leader to know the personalities of the team and how to deal with each. Glen Llopis a contributor of Forbes explains it as, “Fully knowing your team means that you have invested the time to understand how they are wired to think and what is required to motivate them to excel beyond what is expected from them” (Llopis, 2012, #2 par. 1).

It is also the leader’s job to establish clear roles and responsibilities for the team they are leading. There are usually many people that are making up a team. Each of the people are responsible for a different aspect of the overall goal that is working to be achieved. “Each of the team member’s responsibilities must be interconnected and dependent upon one another” (Llopis, 2012, #3 par. 2). Each member of the team must hold themselves accountable for their actions and the work they are doing. In most cases the work they are doing will in some way also affect the work of the rest of the team.

Having a team of diversity is important for highly collaborative out-of-the-box thinking. A team that is made up of similar minded people will all have the same opinions on things, but a group made up of diverse minded people will be beneficial for challenging thinking and will push people to think outside of their comfort zones. Fritz notes, “By opening people up to new ways of thinking, the hoped-for result is often new ideas, new processes, new services and new products” (Fritz, 2013, par. 3). A team that welcomes diversity will be most successful.Team Performance and Productivity Assignment. This is because the more diverse a team is, the more competitive the team will be as well as be able to reach a wider resource of people.

With diversity comes individual talents and new experiences that will be beneficial in a workplace for reaching a broader customer base. It also increases the competitiveness among the employees in the workplace which is not always a bad thing. Competitiveness among employees can be beneficial making employees always giving and doing their best in the workplace. When a bar is set each employee must keep doing their best to reach and exceed it. Another aspect of diversity can be found in author Ola Josephs writing. She focuses diversity on “embracing one another’s uniqueness” (Martinuzzi, 2012, par.2). If a team is open to uniqueness and diversity they will have a greater chance of success.

Effective communication is one of the steps that can help to eliminate most of the headaches that many workplace teams sometimes face. According to Gluck there are many different forms of communication in the workplace which includes “e-mail, traditional letter writing, phone conversation, and face to face exchange of ideas. Each platform has its own set of etiquette rules and skill sets” (Gluck, 2013, par. 2). Just as all of these forms of communication are important in the transmission of ideas within a team, listening is just as if not more important. The success or failure of a team usually stems from the basis of the communication of the group. Poor communication within a team can result in missed deliverables, confused members, and time wasted. It is the job of the leader to make sure everyone is on the same page and to ensure all communication is effective.

Because a workplace is ever changing, change management can become a big issue when it comes to putting a process or structure in place. A lot of people are opposed to change but in order to compete with the changing world around us, it is a behavior that is required beginning from the highest levels of management. From a teamwork perspective, it is the leader’s job to facilitate and enable the change that is taking place and to help the team in understanding the reasoning behind it. It is then the team’s job to act upon the changes and make it work.

Change within the team can cause conflict which can also arise in any group setting. Constant conflict within a team can become detrimental and not easily fixed if continued. On the other hand, if conflict is resolved quickly and effectively, the group could actually strengthen. Conflict within a team can come from many different causes. Some of the ways that conflict can be quieted is to make sure that clear rules and responsibilities are set for each team member to follow. This way everyone is being held to the same standards and no one is being treated unfairly. If conflict does arise on the team, it is important that the leader resolves the issues quickly. Unresolved issues can escalate and can cause more conflict within the team.Team Performance and Productivity Assignment.

One of the most important aspects into having effective teamwork in the workplace is having team leadership. A leader in many cases is not always the manager. A lack of leadership can often lead to a roadblock in a team’s performance and can take a toll on the morale of the team. A leader needs to set the tone for the whole team going forward. The goals and purpose of the team needs to be clearly set so that the vision of the team is seen by all members of the team unmistakably. It is the job of the leader to make himself or herself available for the team as a resource for questions and support if any questions are to come up as the team is striving to reach their goals as well as to train and develop the team to function successfully. In a team environment, it is important for the leader to make sure that the atmosphere is always collaborative and that everyone is on the same page. From the leadership position, goals are set and the leader is the one who is responsible to make sure that the team is run smoothly.

There are multiple stages of team development; Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing. The first stage of team development is Forming. This is the stage that in most cases each member starts by identifying what each team member can contribute to meeting the goals that were set by the leader. This is also the stage that the planning on the agenda is set. In the first stage of the team development it is important to identify the roles and responsibilities and make sure the team knows the expectations. This can help to prevent conflicts from arising in the future.

The next step of team development is the Storming stage. This is the stage where communication becomes the most important. At this point in the development of the team, the opinions of the members may clash. With proper leadership and communication, a team can work through this stage in the development process to get to the Norming stage. The Norming stage is where a lot of the progress toward the main objective is made. It is in the third stage that many of the problems are addressed among the members of the team and problem solving occurs. The fourth and final stage of team development is the Performing stage. This is the stage in which the members of the team usually feel the highest morale and sense of accomplishment within their team. It is in this stage of the process that the strengths and weaknesses of the members are highlighted.

There are also ways that teamwork in the workplace are ineffective. Sometimes teams run into issues that because of some dysfunctions they cannot run smoothly. A team cannot run without trust. If members of the team feel that they cannot be open with one another especially with the leader of their team then conflict will arise. If commitment is lacking from members of the team it is important to make sure they believe that what they are doing is not only important for the company, but important for them. In any aspect of work if one does not enjoy what they are working on, it will not turn out good. Just as in a team, if the team member does not believe that their part is important they will not be committed.

It is also important to show that the team member is a valued member. If a team member does not feel valued they will not work as hard. Challenging each member of the team is an important way to keep an ineffective team excited, to let them know that what they are doing is needed and not only an opportunity for the company but for them to grow their skills within the company. Because groups are always encountering problems and difficulties such as disagreements about projects or agendas, even the best teams will have things they will need to improve on. Improving teambuilding can aim to improve teamwork in the workplace.

Rewarding team members is a great way to show recognition. Implementing other ways to show praise to members of a team can help to show appreciation and instill a sense of meaning and value into the job they are doing. “Individuals who enjoy their work more become more motivated to perform well and become more effective in their work. Improved performance may increase job satisfaction enhancing and employee’s self-esteem and the joy they find in his or her work” (Nordmeyer, 2013, par.3). Also, motivation and encouragement help each team members to develop both professionally as well as personally.

This is a good way of supporting one another especially as times get difficult as they always do in business. Motivating and encouraging coworkers can also be felt as a sense of reward especially in challenging, high stress environments. Not only is it important for the leader to be encouraging and motivating for the team, but it is just as important for the members of the team to be encouraging and motivating to each other. This can also help to keep and improve the morale of the team especially if times are rough.

The importance of recognizing the structure of an organization may have a direct impact upon the end results of collaboration and the teamwork model and why the organization may well choose teamwork as an approach to meeting its needs. Indeed, workplace collaboration may be an instrumental part of the decision making process within organizations; at the same time, the very act of collaborating and the process of team building and teamwork need to be properly utilized to maximize their benefits while downplaying potential negatives (Jones, 2010). When reviewing an organization’s structure and the impact of teamwork, it should be recognized that the complexity of most of the processes in an organization places them beyond the control of any one individual, as such; the only efficient way to tackle these process improvements or designs is through the use of teamwork (DTI, 2011).

Beyond taking on the lead, the team leader has the indicated set of responsibilities toward the team. During the planning stage, the team’s task is defined, as well as the establishment of a workable plan. Through initiating, the leader explains why the plan is necessary, allocates tasks to each of the team members and establishes the standards which will govern the team’s actions. By the process of controlling, the team leader influences the pace of the group’s activities, ensures that all actions move toward defined objectives, keeps discussions relevant and guides the team to action and decision.

Team leaders need to be supporting; this can be accomplished by encouraging and disciplining the team and individuals, creating a team spirit, relieving tension and reconciling disagreements. Informing is a key role played by the team leader; they do this by giving new information to the team, receiving information from the team and summarizing suggestions and ideas. Finally, team leaders must evaluate; testing proposed solutions, evaluating team performance and helping the team to evaluate its own performance against standards are all examples of this particular function (DTI, 2011). The team process is like any other process—it has inputs and outputs. The team leader’s responsibilities and the follow through of those responsibilities can go a long way toward negating the disadvantages of teamwork (Jones, 2010).Team Performance and Productivity Assignment.

The potential values for teamwork include the breaking down of intradepartmental barriers, which lead to a more organizational mindset on the part of the individual; they see how their work impacts others and other departments more easily. Decision making and response times tend to speed up, as redundancies can be more easily determined and eliminated as needed. Additionally, employees tend to be more motivated, as they are learning new ideas and overcoming obstacles. Subsequent levels of management may be eliminated, due to the efficiency of the teams put into place, thus administrative costs may be lowered (Kates & Galbraith, 2007, p. 8).

Production may increase as employees push each other to exceed their normal limits, both at the individual level and among the workforce as a whole; competition can be a driving impulse (Lewis, 2011). Self-improvement may also be a factor; though pay incentives are always a plus, those who see the bigger picture in terms of advancement and their own goals may well take on better organization, using visualization and goal setting to performing higher quality work. Diversity within the workplace can be maximized through the use of the team structure, allowing not only individuals from various teams to come together but also those from different backgrounds or cultural mindsets to share their unique perspectives more easily (Jones, 2010, p. 2).

In conclusion, teamwork has become one of the most important aspects of business today. Businesses are quickly realizing their companies can be more productive and more competitive using a teamwork approach against companies that use more of a hierarchical structure. “Studies confirm this idea, finding that teamwork improves innovation, enhances problem solving and boosts productivity” (Murphy, 2008). To have a productive team, a strong leader must guide the team to the goals that were set in place for the team to achieve. By using collaboration and effective communication, a team would be able to ensure that ideas and instructions are executed on effectively and timely. Having a diverse team leads to wider thinking, new experiences, and a more broad customer base. Understanding the four stages of team development is helpful in understanding the different points in which a team must go through in order to succeed.

The four stages of this process are Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing. Just as a well-oiled machine needs oil to function, a team needs a leader to function. One that will take the stand to make sure that the team will run smoothly and effectively. Having the right leader and the right people for the team are a large part of the success of the team. Rewarding teams is just one of the ways that you can show them that they are appreciated. It is important for a leader to make sure the team knows that what they are doing is important and appreciated so that they feel a sense of importance and accomplishment in the end. Teamwork in the workplace is not only effective but pivotal in the success of many companies.

From the learner’s perspective, teamwork is becoming an ever increasing workplace entity; this may be in part from the development of IT advances which allow the global marketplace to be more reachable at the local level. These same advances and changes in the marketplace can also create new challenges and opportunities for businesses to change their own focus or processes. Due to such circumstances, it may be observed that companies have evolved to make better use of such technology and that team work might be observed as a key aspect to the better utilization of those resources.

With that in mind, one might make the speculation that it is not simply enough to determine what the advantages and disadvantages of teams may be, but instead to also pay attention to the dynamics that surround the teamwork/teambuilding processes. The conclusion that might be reached could include that these processes, as well as the environment in which the team is fostered are just as critical, if not even more so, than the presence of the team itself. Further, it could be determined that only through the monitoring and evaluation of team efficacy can improvements be made and assistance provided to teams, thereby empowering employees to perform their jobs better. This empowerment may well lead to a more complete and fuller sense of satisfaction on the part of the employee, thus making them a more valuable resource to the organization as a whole; all of this leads to the creation of a win/win scenario, the benefactor of which is ultimately the end consumer



Fritz, Robin. (2013). Diversity for groups & teams in the workplace. Chron. Retrieved from   

Gluck, Samantha, (2013). Effective communication & team work. Chron. Retrieved from   

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Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Murphy, Dave. (2008). Teamwork Can Boost Manufacturing Productivity. Graduate School of Stanford Business. Retrieved from

Nordmeyer, Billie. (2013). Benefits of teamwork in the workplace. Globalpost. Retrieved from   

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Collaboration in the Workplace


Lewis, J. (2011). The advantages and disadvantages of a competitive workplace. Retrieved from   

Galbraith, J. & Kates, A. (2007). Five approaches to organizational design. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-     Bass

Robbins, S. & Judge, T. (2013), Organizational behavior, Prentice Hall, 15th edition.

Border, L. (1997, August). Further notes on Group Behavior, Rapport, Trust, and Etiquette. Retrieved     Feb. 25, 2015, from

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Team Performance and Productivity Assignment.


Examine variables, conditions, and concepts that influence team performance and productivity.

Scenario Information

As a leader, you have been tasked with building a team whose purpose is to recommend a new performance evaluation system. The current system is outdated and greatly reduces employee morale each year.Team Performance and Productivity Assignment.


As the leader of this problem-solving team, you are tasked with reviewing a team performance report. The report reveals that the team is behind schedule by more than six weeks, team members often miss meetings, there is noted conflict among team members, team members do not have clear direction and roles, there is no feedback on performance, and there is no clear team leader. The productivity score is 68%; the company goal is 90%. The company has asked you to create a comparative table of your findings. Your table will include the report findings in one column; with associated solutions, methods, and/or recommendations in the next column.

Report Finding(s)

Solution, Method, and/or Recommendation

Example: Undefined roles

Discuss solution, method, or recommendation to address role definition, setting standards, and expectations, with examples and reasons.

Example: Team conflict

In your table, you will want to:

  • Discuss models for successful team performance.
  • Determine the conditions necessary for teams to function effectively.
  • Describe methods for addressing problems with performance.
  • Describe tools used for diagnosing and enhancing team performance.
  • Describe methods for setting clear performance standards and criteria.Team Performance and Productivity Assignment.


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