Strategic Models Theory Application STAT Essay

Strategic Models Theory Application STAT Essay



Read the “Case Study Analysis.”

Select one of the following theories that you feel best applies to treating the client in the case study:

1.Bowen Family Systems


3.Strategic  Strategic Models Theory Application STAT Essay

Write a 750-1,000-word analysis of the case study using the theory you chose. Include the following in your analysis.

1.What concepts of the theory make it the most appropriate for the client in the case study?

2.Why did you choose this theory over the others?

3.What will be the goals of counseling and what intervention strategies are used to accomplish those goals?

4.Is the theory designed for short- or long-term counseling?

5.What will be the counselor’s role with this client?

6.What is the client’s role in counseling?

7.For what population(s) is this theory most appropriate? How does this theory address the social and cultural needs of the client?

8.What additional information might be helpful to know about this case?

9.What may be a risk in using this approach?

Include at least three scholarly references in your paper.Strategic Models Theory Application STAT Essay

Each response to the assignment prompts should be addressed under a separate heading in your paper. Refer to “APA Headings and Seriation,” located on the

Purdue Owl website for help in formatting the headings. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide

Case Study Analysis

Client Name: Ana Strategic Models Theory Application STAT Essay

Client age:24

Gender: F

Presenting Problem

Client states, “I recently lost my job and feel hopeless. I can’t sleep and don’t feel like eating.” Client also reports she has lost 10 pounds during the last two months. Client states that she is a solo parent and is worried about becoming homeless. Client states, “I worry all the time. I can’t get my brain to shut off. My husband is in the military and currently serving in an overseas combat zone for the next eight months. I worry about him all the time.”Strategic Models Theory Application STAT Essay

Behavioral Observations

Client arrived 30 minutes early for her appointment. Client stated that she had never been in counseling before. Client depressed and anxious, as evidenced by shaking hands and tearfulness as she filled out her intake paperwork. Ana made little eye contact as she described what brought her into treatment. Client speech was halting. Client affect flat. Client appeared willing to commit to eight sessions of treatment authorized by her insurance company. The paper must be neatly formatted, double-spaced with a one-inch margin on the top, bottom, and sides of each page. When submitting hard copy, be sure to use white paper and print out using dark ink. If it is hard to read your essay, it will also be hard to follow your argument.Strategic Models Theory Application STAT Essay

General Background

Client is a 24-year-old first-generation immigrant from Guatemala. Ana was furloughed from her job as a loan officer at local bank three months ago. Client reported that she was from a wealthy family in Guatemala, but does not want to ask for help. Client speaks fluent Spanish. Strategic Models Theory Application STAT Essay

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