Resilience of Private Sectors in America Essay

Resilience of Private Sectors in America Essay

ResiliencyAttention will be directed towards the private sector’s ability to adapt to changing conditions and withstand and rapidly recover from disruption due to emergencies through various preparedness and mitigation efforts.Resilience graphic

One of our primary course objectives concerns government’s expectation of the private sector as it relates to resiliency; its ability to “bounce back” from the effects of a critical incident. Actions taken by this sector within all five mission areas (prevention, protection, mitigation, response & recovery) can aid in attaining this shared goal. Therefore, relay specific steps a private sector organization can take (an organization operating within one of the critical infrastructure sectors you focused upon in Week 2), activities that are associated with each of these mission areas that can collectively produce a more resilient organization, community, and thus nation. In addition to other applicable resources, utilize the following documents as a basis for your report: Resilience of Private Sectors in America Essay

National Prevention Framework

National Protection Framework

National Mitigation Framework

National Response Framework

National Disaster Recovery Framework

Be sure and support your responses from the assigned readings as well as other applicable sources.

            The ability to ensure that America’s critical Infrastructure   is interoperable is highly dependent on the resilience of the sector against a potential attack or disaster.  To build resilience, all the involved sectors are expected to meet the needs outlined in Homeland Security’s mission areas of protecting, preventing, responding, mitigating, recovering in an attempt of achieving  a common goal (Department of Homeland Security, 2016).  In the sector of Information Technology, most partners and organizations at domestic and international level can collaboratively support the ability of its functioning to achieve each of these missions. A perfect example of such as organization is Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams also known as FIRST.Resilience of Private Sectors in America Essay

On the prevention perspective, FIRST helps to ensure that data and information does not leak. It operates within the background knowledge that, a nation, company or individual can be brought to its knees due to loss of vital data.  To achieve this, FIRST supports efforts of implementing data and information backups in protected locations.  Backups can be on a daily or weekly basis and are important since they hold a lot of data to be used in restoring information in case of the loss of primary data (Steinberger, et al., 2016).  It also supports partnerships that purpose to help prevent the loss of data and information in an attempt of improving capabilities in information sharing hence reducing further the impact of disasters.


            When it comes to protection, FIRST promotes the first line of defense in ensuring that networks cannot be breached by unauthorized users to steal data and information. To achieve this, it recommends the hiring, training and retaining of the best personnel in Information Technology who have the necessary skills, knowledge and expertise to actualize this. Alternatively, it sponsors meetings within organizations on a weekly basis that purpose to discuss possible weaknesses and vulnerabilities that may be existent within a network (Department of Homeland Security, 2013).  For instance, Red teams can be used to conduct vulnerability assessments, setting up exchanges for reporting and forums for strategic coordination which also play a significant role in intelligence sharing and building resilience in the entire nation. There is also the aspect of protecting data and information within a network which is best executed through the use of tapes which are kept in safeguarded locations to prevent them from destruction either by nature or human interference.Resilience of Private Sectors in America Essay

On the responsive aspect, response to whichever disaster is important and should be immediate. For instance, FIRST coordinates efforts, policies and forums that have all personnel on call in the event of a natural or manmade disaster to ensure that they are up to date on the occurrence of an incident and communicates the steps to be taken in such a case, which inspires an immediate response to a threat to prevent the magnitude of its effect (Finn, 2018).  In case of a breach or an attack on organization’s firewalls, most IT based companies   have security specialists to manage threats.

When it comes to disaster mitigation, FIRST promotes the institution of appropriate measures before the occurrence of a disaster to stop the effects of a disaster through Special Interest Groups However, to fulfill the recovery mission, should a disaster occur, it ensures necessary data backups are in place through an appropriate code of conduct, security ethics and academic security (Department of Homeland Security, 2013).  Through back up, data can be deployed after an incident and work resumes to normal.


Department of Homeland Security. (2016). Information Technology Sector-Specific Plan An Annex to the NIPP 2013. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.

Department of Homeland Security. (2013). National Prevention Framework. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.

Department of Homeland Security. (2013). National Response Framework. Washington, D.C.: Goverment Printing Office.

Finn, M. (2018). Information Infrastructure and Resilience in American Disaster Plans. In The Sociotechnical Constitution of Resilience (pp. 149-171). Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore.

Steinberger, J., Kuhnert, B., Sperotto, A., Baier, H., & Pras, A. (2016, June). In whom do we trust-sharing security events. In IFIP International Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security (pp. 111-124). Springer, Cham. Resilience of Private Sectors in America Essay

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