Public Key Infrastructure Research Assignment Paper.

Public Key Infrastructure Research Assignment Paper.

Provide (2) 150 words response with a minimum of 1 APA references for RESPONSES 1 AND 2 below. Response provided should further discuss the subject or provide more insight. To further understand the response, below is the discussion post that’s discusses the responses. 100% original work and not plagiarized. Must meet deadline.Public Key Infrastructure Research Assignment Paper.


Which one of the following statements is most correct about data encryption as a method of protecting data?

For this week’s forum we had to review or examine statements that were provided to us. To answer the above question, I chose to discuss is number 4: it requires key management. Key management refers to the process of managing cryptographic keys for a system. The management involves the creation, exchanges, and protection of these keys. Key management is also involved in monitoring and accesses made by individuals in the system. Encrypted messages can be read by authorized users, but not by those who do not have permission. One good way to practice good key management practices is to physically make sure hardware and all systems being used are store properly, and securely from anyone who can easily access them physically. Another great practice to make sure that all of the systems is up to date. It is also important to have a key life cycle, like we learned in our labs for last week. Public Key Infrastructure Research Assignment Paper.To also make sure that they are properly stored somewhere other than the systems in which they are used in to make sure that there is a back up if something bad were to happen. Performing audits can prevent from cryptic keys to get hacked or stolen. Audits can also ensure



I hope everyone is having a good week so far. This week we are talking about public key infrastructure and data encryption as a method of protecting data. Out of the options we were given I would say that careful key management is the most correct. We as humans lose things all the time. I know I always misplace my phone and the tv controller. OOPS lol.

When looking at key management there are 3 different types of protocols with the main goal being centralized. You want the key to be able to move through the department. To implement centralized protocols you need the proper equipment, policies in place to handle the keys and processes to implement the activities.”Centralized key management enables proper key governance, even when data and people move from department to department throughout an organization” (Kazarian, 2019). “If your key server capabilities don’t mesh well with the key governance requirements, implementing centralized key management becomes very difficult” (Kazarian, 2019).


Kazarian, J. (2019, January 22). An essential guide to encryption key management in the enterprise. Retrieved June 30, 2020, from

Public Key Infrastructure Research Assignment Paper.

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