PSYC 6717 Discussion: Respondent and Operant Conditioning

Classical and operant conditioning are two significant ideas vital to conducting brain science. While both outcomes in learning, the cycles are very unique. To see how every one of these conduct alteration methods can be utilized, it is additionally fundamental to see how traditional and operant molding vary from each other.

Classical conditioning is substantially more than simply a fundamental term used to portray a technique for learning; it can likewise clarify the number of practices structures that can affect your wellbeing. Look at how an unfortunate quirk would frame. Even though you have been working out and practicing good eating habits, evening indulging continues entangling your eating fewer carbs endeavors. On account of traditional molding, you may have fostered the propensity for making a beeline for the kitchen for a bite each opportunity a business comes on while you are watching your favorite TV program.

Operant conditioning centers around utilizing either support or discipline to increment or lessening a conduct. Through this interaction, an affiliation is framed between the conduct and the results of that behavior.Example: A coach is attempting to encourage a canine to bring a ball. At the point when the canine effectively pursues and gets the ball, the canine gets acclaim as an award. At the point when the creature neglects to recover the ball, the coach retains the acclaim. At last, the canine structures a relationship between the conduct of getting the ball and getting the ideal award. Example: An educator punishes an child for talking out of turn by not releasing them for an  outside break. Accordingly, the child shapes a relationship between the conduct (talking out of turn) and the result not having the option to go outside for break). Accordingly, the unwanted conduct diminishes.

Various components can impact how rapidly a reaction is learned and the strength of the reaction. How regularly the reaction is built up, known as, a timetable of support can assume a significant part in how rapidly the conduct is learned and how solid the reaction becomes. The kind of reinforcer utilized can likewise affect the reaction.



Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., & Heward, W. L. (2020). Applied behavior analysis (3rd ed.). Pearson.



Discussion: Respondent and Operant Conditioning

Photo Credit: GoodIdeas –

Operant and respondent (classical) conditioning are both used to establish and modify behaviors. These concepts originated in the field of behavioral psychology and share similarities and differences. Perhaps the clearest example of the difference between the two concepts is whether the behavior to be modified is automatic (i.e., involuntary) or under the subject’s conscious control (i.e., voluntary).

A thorough understanding of the similarities and differences between respondent (classical) conditioning and operant conditioning can provide you clarity about which would be most appropriate to apply in a given learning situation.

For this Discussion, you will contrast operant conditioning and respondent (classical) conditioning in the acquisition of a behavior and a rationale for the use of each. You will also identify behaviors that could be established using each technique.

To Prepare

  • Review the Learning Resources for this week.
  • Contrast operant conditioning and respondent conditioning in the acquisition of a behavior and consider why each works with some behaviors and not with others.
  • Select two behaviors, one that could be established through operant conditioning and one that could be established through respondent conditioning.
  • Review the interactive media in the Learning Resources, “Respondent or Operant Conditioning?”

By Day 4 of Week 8

Post an explanation contrasting operant conditioning and respondent conditioning in the acquisition of a behavior. Be sure to identify why each works with some behaviors and not with others. Then, explain why each of the two behaviors you chose is more appropriate for respondent or operant conditioning.

Read your colleagues’ postings.

Note: For this discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the To Participate in this Discussion link, then select Create Thread to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click on Submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts, and cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking on Submit!

By Day 6 of Week 8

Respond to at least two colleagues’ posts by expanding on each of their explanations of how their chosen behaviors are more appropriate for respondent or operant conditioning.

Be sure to support your posts and responses with specific references to behavior-analytic theory and research. In addition to the Learning Resources, search the Walden Library and/or the internet for peer-reviewed articles to support your posts and responses. Use proper APA format and citations, including those in the Learning Resources.

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned and/or any insights that you have gained because of your colleagues’ comments.


I enjoyed reading your post!  It was very insightful!

“Respondent conditioning occurs when we link or pair a previously neutral stimulus with a stimulus that is unlearned or inborn, called an unconditioned stimulus. Note that this form of learning also goes by the name classical conditioning or Pavlovian conditioning (Daffin, 2021)”.  This type of conditioning was founded by Pavlov in response to his “Pavlov Dogs” experiment.

In your example of eating during television commercials, you have portrayed respondent conditioning very well.  Like Pavlov’s dogs salivating after they hear the bell, every time a commercial comes on the television you are going to the kitchen and grabbing something to eat.  You’ve conditioned yourself to automatically do so.



Daffin, L. (2021, May 6). Principles of learning and behavior. Retrieved October 23, 2021, from,in%20honor%20of%20Ivan%20Pavlov.

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