Professional Identity and Stewardship Assignment Essay

Professional Identity and Stewardship Assignment Essay

Interview a person in a formal position of leadership within your organization (e.g., a supervisor, a manager, a director). Begin your interview with the following questions:


What is your role as a health care team member?
How do you define professionalism and how does professional responsibility influence your work?Professional Identity and Stewardship Assignment Essay
Do you consider yourself a steward of health care? Why or Why not?
Is it important to you that leaders exercise professional advocacy and authenticity as well as power and influence when working with colleagues? Why or why not?
In 500-750 words, summarize your interview and share your impressions of the leader’s responses.

Compare and contrast responses provided by your peer (in Professional Identity and Stewardship – Part I: Peer Interview assignment) with those provided by the leader. Share your impressions of their differences and similarities.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.Professional Identity and Stewardship Assignment Essay

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to LopesWrite.

Leadership Interview Assignment with Healthcare Leader
Question 1: What is your role as a health care team member?
Answer: For 20 years, I have been a nurse and have served as the manager of the Emergency Department in our hospital. The hospital has 250 beds with 30 beds in the ER. In the hospital, I am a member of several committees and currently the president of our ENA chapter.
Question 2: How do you define professionalism and how does professional responsibility influence your work?
Answer: From a personal perspective, professionalism is when one conforms to nursing ethics and standards of care. This includes being honest, courteous, respectful and obedient of what is said and the manner in which a medical practitioner presents oneself. This means that, I have a responsibility to colleagues, patients and the hospital, to be professional in my presentation and in everything that I do. Being professional also refers to maintaining a positive attitude, being responsible and taking accountability of individual decisions and actions in clinical practice. It entails prioritizing patient care, good leadership and ability to make ethical decisions regarding patient care.
Question 3: Do you consider yourself a steward of health care? Why or Why not?Professional Identity and Stewardship Assignment Essay
Answer: Yes I do. From a personal understanding, a steward is anyone who assists to plan, organize, take care or oversee anything. Therefore, I am certain that nurses are stewards. They have a responsibility to take care of patients and this requires a high level of organization and planning to meet the healthcare needs of an individual.
Question 4: Is it important to you that leaders exercise professional advocacy and authenticity as well as power and influence when working with colleagues? Why or why not?
Answer: Yes, that is very true. To begin with, all nurses have an advocacy role to patients, the communities they serve, to colleagues, their supervisors, and subordinates and positively impact the nursing profession. Authenticity has an impact on not only the workforce of nurses but the society and the entire system of healthcare delivery. Creating and maintaining a work environment that is healthy in nursing practice is mandatory for maintaining a nursing workforce that is adequate. The stressful nature of the nursing profession usually leads to emotional, physical and psychological disturbance, burnout and frequent absenteeism. This ultimately leads to an escalating nursing shortage. Power has different meanings for different people. From an individual perspective, in nursing practice, power is highly reliant on expertise and knowledge and serves as an influence on colleague staffs and leaders. Leaders who are highly effective are more likely to utilize power in a way that is more careful and subtle to reduce the likelihood of differences in status and threats to the self-esteem of colleagues, subordinates and patients. The key to leadership is mastering the art of influence as this helps to gain support in the implementation of decisions that are perceived to be necessary by other leaders and colleagues. This is to mean that, without influence, leadership is less likely to occur.Professional Identity and Stewardship Assignment Essay
Part I: Interview Summary and Personal Impression of the Leader’s Responses
For this assignment, I chose to interview the nurse manager of a busy emergency unit in a local acute care hospital. Apart from being a member of several committees in the hospital, she was also the president of the local ENA chapter. She was well informed of her roles as a healthcare team member at the capacity of a communicator, decision maker, patient’s advocate and scheduler. She also performs the roles of staffing and reimbursement processes.
It was worth mentioning that she also co-ordinated the provision of high quality patient care through accurate and complete care plans.
Her understanding of professionalism was an illustration of a healthcare professional who not only obeys but also values nursing ethics and standards of care while observing personal standards and values. According Gunawan & Aungsuroch (2017), professionalism goes beyond acquiring the relevant knowledge to include an individual’s personality and how individual actions impact patient health outcomes. In observing the nursing code of ethics and standards of care, it means that, a patient’s rights are respected and health guidelines are observed when providing care (American Nurses Association, 2001). Her most valuable values in nursing practice were that of integrity, empathy and competence, that are all qualities of good leadership.
The interviewee considered stewardship as an ability to lead, organize, coordinate people to work in unison with others, just the way nurses take care of patients by planning and organizing for their healthcare needs. This shows that, as stewards, practicing nurses should articulate their priorities in shared values, respect for people’s dignity, self-determination, fairness and equity (Wong, 2015). They not only promote but also preserve everything that is intrinsically valuable in terms of experience through universalism and particularism.
According to the interviewee, when exercising professional authenticity, advocacy and power in nursing practice, it is important to uphold respect and neutrality to positively influence colleagues, communities and populations they serve. In today’s diverse healthcare sector, respect is a quality that is highly valued and helps to eliminate discrimination which is a major cause of healthcare disparities. Besides, advocacy and authenticity promote unity in working towards a common goal.Professional Identity and Stewardship Assignment Essay
Comparison and Contrast of the Responses Provided By My Peer with Those Provided By the Leader
The key purpose of conducting this interview was to establish whether each of the interviewees understood the meaning of professionalism, advocacy and stewardship. A major similarity is that both interviewees recognized collaboration and communication to have important roles in the provision of patient care. They also agreed that, stewardship and leadership can gradually be integrated into an organizations culture since they promote teamwork, discipline and dedication among providers. However, their comprehension of professionalism in healthcare and stewardship seemed to be totally different. Besides, both interviewees seemed to have adopted different skills, traits and values that help them to provide care to patients. This can highly be attributed to variations in healthcare experiences and perceptions.Professional Identity and Stewardship Assignment Essay

American Nurses Association. (2001). Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements. Nursesbooks. org.
Gunawan, J., & Aungsuroch, Y. (2017). Managerial competence of first‐line nurse managers: A concept analysis. International journal of nursing practice, 23(1), e12502.
Wong, C. A. (2015). Connecting nursing leadership and patient outcomes: state of the science. Journal of Nursing Management, 23(3), 275-278.

Need to write this as 2 papers and each has at least 500 words. There is no need to do 2 papers, just separate them on the one paper. Thank you.
Assignment 1
Professional Identity and Stewardship – Part I: Peer Interview
Interview a fellow peer in your class who works in a different health discipline than you. Begin your interview with the following questions:
I interviewed Pam Reeves a current class mate.
1. What is your role as a health care team member?
Answer: I work as a circulating/scrub nurse in the OR of a large hospital. I am also the assistant coordinator for the urology service in our OR. I participate on two committees, our Unit Based Team and Skin Champions.
2. How do you define professionalism and how does professional responsibility influence your work?
Answer: Professionalism is adhering to personal standards and values as well the standards of the work environment. It is the ability to practice with integrity, empathy, consideration and competency. Professionalism also applies to personal appearance, meaning that one dresses in a manner that expresses the values of the organization. People will make judgments based on appearance and if a person appears sloppy or unkempt, it can project an image of incompetence. For instance, if a nurse doesn’t take the time to care for his/her own appearance, the patient make think ”if they can’t take care of themselves, how can I trust they will take good care of me?” My professional responsibility is to my patients first and foremost. I am to be their advocate, to stand up for them and protect them from harm. I also have the responsibility to uphold the values and standards of the organization I work for. It is what guides me in my decision-making process and the ethics I apply to my personal practice. It means that I won’t speak poorly about my organization or its policies to my patient even if I am in disagreement. I will always exhibit confidence in my ability to provide care even when I may be experiencing conflict due to policy.Professional Identity and Stewardship Assignment Essay
3. Do you consider leaders in your organization stewards of health care? Why or Why not?
Answer: Yes I do. The traditional definition of stewardship means to apply Godly principles in the managing environmental surroundings. In the healthcare setting, stewardship means to practice in the best interest of the patient population and the needs of the staff. Leaders as stewards have the ability to apply morals and values in their daily practice as a patient care provider and as a leader to advocate for change. As a steward, leaders need to carefully manage the needs of the patients in the interest of their well-being as well as advocating for change in nursing practice. I think being a steward is the essence of nursing, both in patient care and in leadership. Servant leadership and stewardship are two similar ideologies, and go hand in hand in the leadership role. I don’t feel that one can practice as a servant leader without applying the principles of stewardship.
4. Is it important to you that leaders exercise professional advocacy and authenticity as well as power and influence when working with colleagues? Why or why not?
Answer: Leaders must be able to blend advocacy and authenticity with power and influence in such a manner as to inspire groups to perform with the highest standards. Leadership is so much more than taking control of a group. It is the ability to influence by being authentic. A true leader works with the people to come to a common ground and work toward change. People respond positively to a leader that is authentic enough to admit their mistakes. At the same time, an effective leader must also be able to exert their power in a manner that displays control of a given situation. A leader must be able to relate to the group but also exhibit authority. Leadership without power conveys a lack of direction and leadership without authenticity or advocacy suggests a lack of concern for the opinions and values of the team.
In 500-750 words, summarize your interview and share your impressions of your peer’s responses.Professional Identity and Stewardship Assignment Essay


Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.
Assignment 2
Professional Identity and Stewardship – Part II: Leadership Interview
Interview a person in a formal position of leadership within your organization (e.g., a supervisor, a manager, a director). Begin your interview with the following questions:
I interviewed my manager, Ingrid Steinback
1. What is your role as a health care team member?
Answer: I have been a nurse for 25 years and I am the ER manager at our hospital. The hospital has 240 licensed beds with 20 ER beds. I am on numerous committees for the hospital and I am currently president in our chapter of ENA.
2. How do you define professionalism and how does professional responsibility influence your work?
Answer: To me, professionalism is conforming to the ethical and nursing standards of care. Professionalism is being truthful, courteous and conscientious of what is said and how you present yourself. I have a responsibility to my patients, my co-workers, myself, and to the hospital to be professional in the way I act and in my appearance. Being professional is keeping a positive attitude, being accountable and taking responsibility in keeping my license and other credentials current. Showing respect, teamwork, striving to do your best, being a leader and the ability to make decisions is being professional.Professional Identity and Stewardship Assignment Essay
3. Do you consider yourself a steward of health care? Why or Why not?
Answer: Yes I do. To me a steward is someone who helps organize people, who takes care of something or someone and oversees them. I feel all nurses are stewards. We take care of our patients by being organized and overseeing their health care needs.
4. Is it important to you that leaders exercise professional advocacy and authenticity as well as power and influence when working with colleagues? Why or why not?
Answer: Yes. To start with, all nurses need to be advocates to patients, co-workers, supervisors, and subordinates. We need to show support to the hospital, leaders, and co-workers to make a positive impact on the nursing profession. Authenticity can affect not only the nursing workforce and the profession but the healthcare delivery system and society as a whole. Creating a healthy work environment for nursing practice is crucial to maintain an adequate nursing workforce; the stressful nature of the profession often leads to burnout, disability, and high absenteeism and ultimately contributes to the escalating shortage of nurses. Power means many different things to different people. To me power lies in their knowledge and expertise of nursing practice. Power is an influence on people whether it is as a leader or as a co-worker. Effective leaders are likely to use power in a subtle, careful fashion that minimizes status differentials and avoids threats to the person’s self esteem. Mastering the art of influence is the key to leadership. To be an effective leader, it is necessary to influence others to support and implement decisions that the leader and group members perceive are necessary. Without influence, leadership does not occur.Professional Identity and Stewardship Assignment Essay
In 500-750 words, summarize your interview and share your impressions of the leader’s responses.
Compare and contrast responses provided by your peer (in Professional Identity and Stewardship – Part I: Peer Interview assignment) with those provided by the leader. Share your impressions of their differences and similarities.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.Professional Identity and Stewardship Assignment Essay

This paper will paraphrase an interview conducted with Ally Hobert hereafter to be known as A. Hobert, and provide insight her responses to questions related to her personal perceptions regarding, professional identity and stewardship. I had the pleasure of interviewing A. Hobert, a floor nurse on a medical surgical unit specializing on neurological patients within a hospital. The interview was conducted via phone and was conducted in a relatively short amount of time, less than 10 minutes, and was comprised of only four questions. This author felt, although it was short, the interview was able to accurately portray A. Hobert’s role as a registered nurse (RN) in the healthcare field. What leadership and professional means to her and how that translates into, and affects, her nursing practice and career. Professional Identity and Stewardship Assignment Essay

Interview Assignment

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