Patients Spiritual Needs, Case Analysis.


Patients Spiritual Needs, Case Analysis.


In addition to the topic study materials, use the chart you completed and questions you answered in the Topic 3 about \\\”Case Study: Healing and Autonomy\\\” as the basis for your responses in this assignment.

Answer the following questions about a patient\\\’s spiritual needs in light of the Christian worldview.Patients Spiritual Needs, Case Analysis.


  1. In 200-250 words, respond to the following: Should the physician allow Mike to continue making decisions that seem to him to be irrational and harmful to James, or would that mean a disrespect of a patient\\\’s autonomy? Explain your rationale.
  2. In 400-500 words, respond to the following: How ought the Christian think about sickness and health? How should a Christian think about medical intervention? What should Mike as a Christian do? How should he reason about trusting God and treating James in relation to what is truly honoring the principles of beneficence and nonmaleficence in James\\\’s care?
  3. In 200-250 words, respond to the following: How would a spiritual needs assessment help the physician assist Mike determine appropriate interventions for James and for his family or others involved in his care?Patients Spiritual Needs, Case Analysis.

Remember to support your responses with the topic study materials.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.Patients Spiritual Needs, Case Analysis.

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Case Study:


and Autonomy

Mike and Joanne are the

parents of James

and Samuel, identical

twins born 8 years ago. James


currently suffering


acute glomerulonephritis, kidney failure. James was originally


into the hospital


complications associated with a strep throat

infection. The spread of the A

streptococcus infection led to the subsequent

kidney failure. James’s condition




to warrant immediate treatment. Usually cases of acute glomerulonephritis caused

by strep

infection tend to improve on their

own or with an antibiotic. However,


also had


blood pressure and enough fluid buildup that required temporary dialysis to relieve.

The attending physician suggested immediate dialysis.Patients Spiritual Needs, Case Analysis.


some time of discussion with

Joanne, Mike informs the physician that they


going to forego


dialysis and




in God. Mike and

Joanne had been moved by a sermon their pastor

had given a week ago,


also had witnessed

a close

friend regain

mobility when she was prayed over at a healing service

after a serious

stroke. They thought it more

prudent to take James immediately to a faith


service instead of


James through multiple rounds of dialysis. Yet, Mike

and Joanne

agreed to return to the hospital after the

faith healing

services later in the


and in hopes that

James would

be healed



Two days later the family returned and was forced to place


on dialysis, as his condition

had deteriorated. Mike felt perplexed and tormented


his decision to


treat James earlier.

Had he not enough faith? Was God punishing him or James? To make




kidneys had

deteriorated such that his dialysis was now not a


matter and

was in


of a kidney

transplant. Crushed and


Mike and Joanne

immediately offered to donate

one of their

own kidneys to James, but they were not compatible


Over the next few

weeks, amidst daily

rounds of dialysis, some of their close friends and church members also

offered to donate a kidney

to James.



of them

were tissue


James’s nephrologist called to schedule a private appointment with Mike

and Joanne.

James was


given the regular dialysis, but would require a

kidney transplant

within the year. Given

the desperate situation, the nephrologist informed

Mike and Joanne

of a donor that was

an ideal

tissue match, but as of yet had not been considered—James’s brother Samuel.

Mike vacillates and

struggles to decide whether

he should

have his other son Samuel lose a

kidney or perhaps wait for God to do a

miracle this time around. Perhaps this is where the real

testing of

his faith will come in? Mike reasons, “This time around it is a

matter of life and


What could require greater faith than that?”


Extra instructions ( Could you please email the paper to my email in a word document …. THANK YOU!!!!)

Patient’s spiritual needs

Part 1.

The question is whether or not there is a limit to the patient’s autonomy in making decisions about health care. Mike is indicated as making a decision that seems irrational and harmful to the patient. As such the concern is whether or not the physician should intervene and if this has implications for the patient’s autonomy. There are two considerations that the physician must make when determining whether or not to intervene.Patients Spiritual Needs, Case Analysis. The first consideration is that autonomy relates to self-determination when making a decision, and this only applies if the individual has adequate knowledge to examine and explore the different options that translate into decisions. The reality is that the specialized knowledge about James’ situation appears to be beyond the scope of Mike. As such, he must rely on the physician to acquire all the information about James’ condition. The physician has an obligation to provide the relevant information that would enable Mike to make an informed decision (Huff, Kline & Peterson, 2015). The second consideration is that Mike could be in an impaired state that hinders the capacity to make fully deliberative decisions. In fact, Mike appears to be incapable of making a fully rational and unemotional decision. In such a case, the physician is obligate to facilitate Mike’s decision making and involvement in the care while enhancing his dignity by always encouraging and inviting his participation. In addition to the two considerations, it is important to note that patient autonomy is limited to the extent that decisions do not harm the patient. When the harm is sufficiently grave, then the principle is overridden. Also, the decision can be overridden if it violates the physician’s medical conscience. Given this awareness, the physician should not allow Mike to continue making decisions that seem to him to be irrational and harmful to James (Huff, Kline & Peterson, 2015).Patients Spiritual Needs, Case Analysis.

Part 2.

Christians have a unique perspective on sickness and health. The story of creation in Genesis identifies the origins of sickness as sin. Sin entered the world in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve were disobedient to God. As punishment, they were cast out of Eden and exposed to hardships that include sickness. Romans 5:12 (KJV) affirms this view by explaining that man sinned and left God’s ideal place so that death entered the world through sin and spread to all people. As such, sickness is the result of sin entering the world. Having left the ideal place created for humans by God (Eden), humans are now in an unideal place (world) where they face hardships that include intermittent periods of sickness and health. The food we eat has a lot of chemicals, the air we breathe is polluted, and water we drink is contaminated so that it is natural to get sick as a result of being in this new environment. In this respect, Christians think of sickness and health as the results of interacting with the world as an unideal place not meant for humans. Humans were meant to live in Eden (Wannas, 2014). Patients Spiritual Needs, Case Analysis.

The Christian faith has typically had a close link with medical intervention. In fact, some of the miracles that Jesus Christ performed included healing the deaf, blind, lame and lepers. Matthew 9:12 (KJV) has Christ stating that although healthy persons do not need physicians, sick persons need physicians. This is an affirmation that medical intervention is accepted within the Christian faith. However, the Bible cautions that treatment should not violate the principles in God’s commandments, such as being polluted by idols, sexual immortality, whatever has been strangled and from the blood (Acts 15:20, KJV). Philippians 4:5 (KJV) adds that all decisions must be reasonable and supported with reliable evidence. As such, Christians should pursue medical intervention that does not violate their faith (Wannas, 2014).Patients Spiritual Needs, Case Analysis.

As a Christian, Mike should seek medical treatment for James. There is nowhere in the bible where medical treatment is forbidden. In fact, God has on occasion commanded people to engage in medical procedures. For instance, Genesis 17:10-14 (KJV) has God commanding Abraham to perform circumcision, a minor surgery that services a spiritual and health purpose. Isaiah 38:12 has the prophet prescribing medications to treat a boil. While these medical procedures were instructed by God, they demonstrate that Christians should accept sound medical practice. As such, Mike should seek medical treatment for James (Wannas, 2014).

The principle of beneficence focuses on helping others. Medical personnel has the traditional role of helping others through compassionate acts of mercy, kindness, and charity when they come to the aid of dying, sick and injured patients to relieve suffering and pain. The act of providing medical care is a form of beneficence. Luke 10:29-37 (KJV) affirms these views in the parable of the Good Samaritan. The principle of nonmaleficence warns against doing harm. This requires that medical personnel evaluate all treatment procedures to ensure that they offer adequate benefits and do not result in an undue burden to the patient. In honoring the two principles, Mike should trust that God is working through the medical personnel to provide efficient and appropriate care that improves the odds of recovery (Mastroianni, Kahn & Kass, 2019).Patients Spiritual Needs, Case Analysis.

Part 3.

A spiritual needs assessment helps in creating a comprehensive treatment plan. The most basic aspect of the assessment is compassionate listening. Regardless of Mike’s faith, his beliefs are important to him. By listening, the physician signals that he/she cares for the patient and recognizes spirituality as a dimension of the family’s life. In addition, the assessment documents openness to discussing the topic, as well as spiritual background, perspective and impact on medical care. This information helps in readdressing the subject when the physician seeks to present meaning and comfort as the family is faced with important care decisions.Patients Spiritual Needs, Case Analysis. Besides that, the assessment results help the physician to consider how different practices and traditions may affect care delivery. For instance, Mike believes that faith healing is important, and yet this has delayed medical care even as he sought a miracle. He is now experiencing substantial psychological duress as he believes that the worsened situation is caused by a lack of belief on his part. The assessment helps the physician to identify the source of psychological distress and ensure that it is addressed even as Mike makes the care decision. Also, the assessment can help the physician to offer faith-specific support to include a physician-led or patient-led prayer (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2014). Overall, the spiritual needs assessment helps the physician determine what kind of support Mike needs even as he makes the care decisions.Patients Spiritual Needs, Case Analysis.

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