Jean Watson’s Theory of Nursing Care Essay

Jean Watson’s Theory of Nursing Care Essay

Summary of an Article Related to the Theory

The research conducted by Ranheim, Kärner, and Berterö (2012) was aimed at bringing together the theory of nursing care created by Jean Watson, on the one hand, and the empirical discoveries made in three studies pertaining to the nurses’ caring intentions and their practice of implementing the nursing care theories in the real life, on the other. In particular, it was an aim of the authors to investigate the approaches that nurses utilize towards the caring theory, as well as to find out how useful this theory can be in practice.


In order to accomplish this goal, the authors carried out a simultaneous analysis of nine concepts related to caring practice, consolidating Watson’s theory with the findings of three empirical researches pertaining to nursing practice. The first concept was derived from Watson’s theory, whereas the other eight were formulated on the basis of the other analyzed studies. The following concepts are discussed: interconnectedness, contemplation, insight, intergrade, completeness, contentedness, reflexivity, intentionality, and interdependence (Ranheim et al., 2012).Jean Watson’s Theory of Nursing Care Essay

Certain ways of applying these concepts in order to provide mediating care are explained. For instance, it is stated that interconnectedness is the ability to reach another person’s lifeworld, which means that one should work on their own insight and self-awareness in order to be able to do so; and that intergrading means interacting with others in a way that goes beyond what is expected from a nurse as a medic and a medical care specialist.

It is concluded that a deep investigation of the phenomenon of caring is capable of revealing certain aspects of this practice, increasing its “significance and meaning by making conscious the intentionality of caring itself and its efficacies in clinical practice” (Ranheim et al., 2012, p. 88). It is also argued that “an expanded caring consciousness” is capable of providing significantly better, more holistic care for individuals (Ranheim et al., 2012, p. 88).Jean Watson’s Theory of Nursing Care Essay

Watson’s Theory, and Metaparadigms of Health and Nursing

The theory of transpersonal care created by Jean Watson is one of the theories that made the notion of nursing care rather broad and, in fact, holistic. According to this theory, nursing care should be aimed not only at improving the physical condition of a patient, but also at balancing their mental and spiritual state. Thus, a nurse should aim not only at helping an individual to overcome their disease but also at assisting them with enhancing the general condition of their health, as well as the overall quality of their life. In order to implement such a type of care, a nurse has to altruistically engage in a deep interpersonal interaction with their patient, to create a relationship which would be characterized by common trust and reliability (Apóstolo et al., 2013).Jean Watson’s Theory of Nursing Care Essay

 In order to do this, it is recommended that a nurse follows the metaparadigms offered by Watson, which comprise person, environment, health, and nursing. In particular, the metaparadigm of health means that an individual’s health should be of paramount importance for a nurse, but a nurse should not view a patient only as a carrier of a certain disease or health condition; instead, a person needs to be understood in their wholeness.

At the same time, according to the metaparadigm of nursing, a patient should be perceived as an individual; their spiritual and mental life should be embraced, and a tight relationship full of mutual acceptance and trust should be established between a nurse and a patient. Clearly, the two metaparadigms are closely correlated; while it is stressed that the physical health is important, both metaparadigms emphasize that a patient should be viewed as an individual, a human being that requires more than just a treatment of their disease (Apóstolo et al., 2013).Jean Watson’s Theory of Nursing Care Essay


Apóstolo, J., Mendes, A., Bath-Hextall, F., Rodrigues, R., Santos, J., & Cardoso, D. (2013). The use of non-pharmacological nursing interventions on the comfort of cancer patients: A comprehensive systematic review protocol. Joanna Briggs Institute Database of Systematic Reviews & Implementation Reports, 11(2), 372-388. Web.

Ranheim, A., Kärner, A., & Berterö, C. (2012). Caring theory and practice–entering a simultaneous concept analysis. Nursing Forum: An Independent Voice for Nursing, 47(2), 78-90. Web. Jean Watson’s Theory of Nursing Care Essay

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