Introduction to Research Proposals.

Introduction to Research Proposals.


Assignment: Introduction to Research Proposals


Just because you thought of an interesting research question and have a desire to conduct research does not mean that your research will automatically be supported by faculty or funded by an organization. In order to gain stakeholder approval, you must submit a research proposal. Much like an outline of a paper or a treatment of a movie script, the research proposal contains several parts that begin with a research question and end with a literature review. For this Assignment, you compile a research proposal that includes a research problem, research question, and a literature review.Introduction to Research Proposals.


For this Assignment, choose between the case studies entitled \”Social Work Research: Couple Counseling\” and \”Social Work Research: Using Multiple Assessments.\” Consider how you might select among the issues presented to formulate a research proposal.

Be sure to consult the outline in Chapter 14 the Yegidis et al. text for content suggestions for the sections of a research proposal. As you review existing research studies, notice how the authors identify a problem, focus the research question, and summarize relevant literature. These can provide you with a model for your research proposal.Introduction to Research Proposals.

By Day 7

Submit a 5- to 6-page research proposal stating both a research problem and a broad research question (may be either qualitative or quantitative). Use 6–10 of the most relevant literature resources to support the need for the study, define concepts, and define variables relevant to the question. Include a literature review explaining what previous research has found in relation to your problem and question. The literature review should also include a description of methods used by previous researchers. Finally, be sure to explain how your proposed study addresses a gap in existing knowledge.Introduction to Research Proposals.

Over the years, the LGBT family settings have been suffering from life elements brought along by the family background or life experiences that each of the partners has gone through. With these circumstances at hand, those with opportunities for seeking the counselor’s intervention do so and as such, the counselor should be in a position to fully understand the couple’s life experiences, as well as family history to determine the best counselling approach that matches with the results of the investigation in order to get the best outcome out of it. In the past, many scholars have dueled much on the methodological aspects such as the application of person-centered counselling, cultural and spiritual assessment, qualitative research in counseling, community health model, among others. No specific research has dwelled on the effects of life experiences and family history on the counselling outcomes for LGBT couples, and therefore creating the need for research in this area (Plummer et al., 2014).Introduction to Research Proposals.

Problem Statement

Many LGBT family settings have recorded numerous couple issues that most of the time call for professional intervention. However, lack of information on the availability of marriage counselors who can suit their needs have in the past been a huge hindrance in the overall quest of having a solution to the issues that face their marriages. More so, on the side of the available counselors, it has also been a challenge on the degree of investigation and professional understanding of the couple’s life experiences, as well as their family history, which more than often dictate the outcome when compared to the counselling methodological application.Introduction to Research Proposals.


Purpose of The Study

The purpose of the proposed research will be to investigate onthe effects of life experiences and family history on the counselling outcomes for LGBT couples

Research Questions

  1. Does family history affect the counselling outcome for issues related to LGBT couples?
  2. What are the effects of life experiences on the counselling outcome for the LGBT couples?
  3. Do family history and life experience determine the methodological approach for counselling sessions involving LGBT couples?

Literature Review

Numerous scholars have come up with research on counselling involving the LGBT community with most of them dwelling on the effectiveness of the diverse approaches that are applied by the professional counselors in their quest to resolve emerging issues among the LGBT couples. To begin with, Mayer et al., (2001) provides an overview of the community health model where they cite one of the community-based Centre in Boston, Massachusetts (Fenway community health), where the needs oflesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT), especially concerning the couples counselling and HIV response get addressed. The community health model as cited allows the LGBT community to open up and share their experiences which becomes easier even for the counselor to engage and find a matching pathway to the solution. Broader LGBT issues can thus be addressed using this model even concerning sensitive issues such as domestic and homophobic violence, as well as substance use and abuse (Mayer et al.,2001).Introduction to Research Proposals.

On the other hand, Singh& Shelton(2011) through their literature review on the qualitative methodology that has been applied in counseling research with LGBTQissues over a period of 10 years (1998-2008) revealed that most research were utilizing the quantitative methodology and very few concentrated on qualitative methodology which continues to be rare even in the recent research in this area of concern (Singh & Shelton, 2011). This study concentrated in 4 counseling and counseling psychology journals to validate the results and provide a comparable data over the chosen period (Singh & Shelton, 2011).Introduction to Research Proposals.

Furthermore, Köllen(2015) in his research that was conducted in Germany explored the influence of the demographic factors on the way lesbians and gay men manage their sexual orientation at work (Köllen, 2015). The research revealed that the migratory background LGBT couples are more likely to hide their sexual orientation as well as issues affecting their marriages. Furthermore, the research by Köllen (2015) also reveled that lesbians are more open about their homosexuality issues compared with gay men. This will be a useful aspect to consider when engaging in the proposed research in order to have a good qualitative data concerning the matter and the effects of family history and life experience issues on the counselling outcomes.Introduction to Research Proposals.

In another similar study by Myers& Sweeney(2008), the article provides evidence-based research on the need for the professional counselors to utilize or apply wellness, through the incorporation of a positive state of well-being, that takes into account the developmental, prevention, and wellness-enhancing interventions (Myers & Sweeney, 2008). The study further states that counselors have an obligation in terms of responsibility to the general public and more so the marginalized groups such as LGBT community by making sure that their professional practice incorporates a thorough research to come up with the best solutions.Introduction to Research Proposals.

What’s more, Ibrahim& Dykeman(2011) in their research narrate that cultural and spiritual assessmentis crucial in the overall counselling experience more so where it involves couples with a cultural and spiritual richness. The research utilized Muslim Americans and Muslim immigrants to the United States (Ibrahim & Dykeman, 2011). Elements such as family composition, language barrier, level of education and occupational status were assessed. Just as the American PsychiatricAssociation (APA) suggests, the research by Ibrahim & Dykeman (2011) also supported that the understanding of client cultural identity and context is vital to the overall effectiveness of the counselling outcome (Ibrahim & Dykeman, 2011).Introduction to Research Proposals.

In another research in the area of counselling by Lemoire& Chen (2005), the study focused on the application of person-centered counseling to sexual minority adolescents (Lemoire & Chen, 2005). In the research process, the study strived to identify the therapeutic potential of person-centered counseling in the process of resolving the LGBT couples underlying issues especially those that concern their sexual matters. The wider society view on the issue of sexual identity, the relationship between the couples, as well as the personal view on the issues at hand were found to be the determining base on how a solution will be found when engaging the couples in a counselling session involving sexual identity and/or homosexuality issues between them.Introduction to Research Proposals.

How the Research Will Address the Existing Knowledge Gap

From the literature review that has been selected among many others in the area of counselling involving LGBT, most research outcomes are based on quantitative aspects and lack the qualitative application of relevant issues and their effects on the overall counselling outcome. As such, family history as well as life experiences have been categorized generally as cultural aspects in the past and research has for a long time ignored their effects on the counselling outcome, especially those involving the LGBT couples. This therefore creates the need for research in these areas to establish the effect of the two elements on the outcome of the whole counselling process (Yegidis et al. 2018).Introduction to Research Proposals.

The LGBT as a minority group can feel abandoned and their issues may become even more difficult, especially when the existing resolution systems do not understand their sexual identity, family history or the life experiences they go through. The sensitive of the issues, especially on the methodological application of the counselling strategy is vital and therefore, it is vital for the involved counselling professional to be aware of the effects that the family history as well as life experiences have on the overall counselling process.Introduction to Research Proposals.

In order to have a diverse and general conclusion on the matter being investigated by the proposed research, the study will utilize a qualitative approach with variables such as demographic composition, family setting and background, and migratory status used to define the family history, as well as life experiences. The LGBT community targeted should hold a migratory status to give a more divergent revelation of the selected elements of investigation and their effect on the overall outcome of the counselling experience.Introduction to Research Proposals.


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