IET 101 Social Dimensions of Technology Project Papers.

IET 101 Social Dimensions of Technology Project Papers.

IET 101

Social Dimensions of Technology

Summer 2018


Department of Engineering and Technology Management

School of Engineering and Information Systems, Morehead State University.   IET 101 Social Dimensions of Technology Project Papers.



100 Points

Deadline for submission of this final project: Friday, June 29, 2018





You finish a final project in a form of PowerPoint presentation. It is a collection of at least three (3) topics on technological innovation and progress and their societal impacts. The three topics can be any hi-tech devices, tools, activities, or networking and communication platforms that depict recent technological innovation. The topics also can be the history of the basic principles or operations of the United States government, which promote technological innovation and progress and enhance a view to being a responsive citizen. Demonstrate how they have influenced our society and life. IET 101 Social Dimensions of Technology Project Papers.



Your project should:


  1. Link at least three (3) key concepts or topics studied so far in this course.
  2. Contain quantitative and qualitative relationships using symbols, equations, graphs, and tables.
  3. Analyze or evaluate diverse points of view.
  4. Include at least one (1) topic on the history of the basic principles or operations of the United States government, which promote technological innovation and progress and enhance a view to being a responsive citizen. For example, in order to curb green gas emission, the U.S. government has set the car fuel efficiency standard and the timeframe to achieve the goal. This has led to various technological innovations and progresses. To comply with this policy, car makers are developing new engines to increase gas mileage significantly. Meanwhile, new types of cars, such as hybrid and electrical, are being developed. People choose to drive small cars or do not drive whenever possible. IET 101 Social Dimensions of Technology Project Papers.



The PowerPoint should address the following key areas:


  1. Title slide – Course, Instructor, Topic.
  2. Outline of your presentation.
  3. Purpose – Explain the rationale for your topic. (Why you chose this approach/topic for presentation)
  4. Explain any key words (terms).
  5. Main body (about 4 slides) for each topic – Describe your findings.
  6. Include at least 1 graph or table showing a trend in the usage of one of the main devices. IET 101 Social Dimensions of Technology Project Papers.
  7. Recommendations (about 1 slide) for each topic – Mention any recommendations you have made from your study and the broader impact on society.
  8. Concluding remarks (summarize the key take-away of your presentation for the audience).
  9. References (Use the MLA/APA Style).



The total number of the slides is required: < 25. For slides that display mainly text, it is recommended to have dark text on a light background. Graphics – Include at least 4 figures/diagrams/pictures illustrating your ideas. Must also include at least 1 graph or table showing a trend in the usage of one of the main innovations. IET 101 Social Dimensions of Technology Project Papers.



Note: Each figure must have a figure caption placed immediately below the figure / diagram. For a table, the caption must be placed above the table.


Evaluation of Project PowerPoint Presentation



The Instructor’s Evaluation is based on the following criteria:


Category Max points
1.     Introduction 10
2.     Professional quality of presentation (slides)

 IET 101 Social Dimensions of Technology Project Papers.

3.     Explanation of Main Content


4.     Graphics with captions


5.     Societal importance (benefits) 20
6.     Overall Technical Merit 20
7.     Formatting, mechanics (devoid of errors) and APA Style References cited 10
Total 100


2 copies 

100% original.

IET 101 Social Dimensions of Technology Project Papers.

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