Home Safety Plan Concept Map Assignment Paper.

Home Safety Plan Concept Map Assignment Paper.

Instructions – Students should develop a concept map that holistically addresses the following:

o Mr. Amid’s strengths and challenges as an individual, as member of a family, and as a member of a community (Students should use creativity and logic to fill in the gaps in Mr. Amid’s story that are not explicit in the virtual experience.)Home Safety Plan Concept Map Assignment Paper.

o The map should also identify and cluster home safety issues from the perspective of what was observed in the virtual experience and what was missing or unable to be assessed in Mr. Amid’s environment.

o Upload the completed concept map in the dropbox provided.

Note: The drawing tools in MS Word should be sufficient to create a digital concept map; purchase of concept mapping software is not required to complete this assignment.



A response that validates Mr. Amid’s assessment that he has   never had a problem before, while explaining that you want to prevent   anything bad from happening in the future, is the best option. A   confrontational, judgmental style is not appropriate (such as suggesting that   Mr. Amid will fall and break his other hip, or that you believe he would want   to make changes). Nor it is appropriate to address a concern for the   grandchildren (however kind in intention) by suggesting that the   grandchildren should clean the home, instead of addressing Mr. Amid’s ongoing   health issues.

Cleaning the home and removing hazards (such as standing water   and repairing items with frayed electrical cords) are necessary changes   before Mr. Amid’s environment will be safe enough for him to return home. Pet   feces and rodents are a sanitation/cleanliness issue, and can also be a   health hazard, as are food and liquids that have been open and out of the   refrigerator. Standing water in tubs, sinks and large buckets can be a health   hazard, as well as a drowning hazard for children. Because frayed cords   present a fire hazard, they will need to be removed or repaired before they   are used again. Home Safety Plan Concept Map Assignment Paper.Although it is important to present Mr. Hassan Amid with   smoking-cessation materials, putting up “No Smoking” signs throughout his   house is not the best option. Although it might be helpful to go shopping and   fill the refrigerator and cupboards with healthy foods, this is not the role   of the PHN.

Risk for fall Fire Dirty Disorganized

You should systematically assess the exterior and interior of   Mr. Amid’s home for concerns that may pose a health or safety hazard or risk   for him and his extended family. There are eight locations in Mr. Amid’s   house and yard you must visit. Open the map view of his property by clicking   on the Map button along the left edge of the screen. Click on a point on the   map to move to that location. Each location will have two to four indicators.   For example, you start in the front yard where there are three indicators you   must click on.

Needs assessment on home for safety issues Risk for fall

Hello, my name is Hassan Amid. I’m 78 and have lived alone   since my wife passed away over a year ago. I am trying to get by the best I   can, but it is hard without my Amara. This old house has been the gathering   place for our family since we built it in 1950, but at times I wonder if I   can still take care of it. Both of my children and their families live near   enough to visit regularly. I love it when my grandkids and great-grandkids   come over to see me and play with the old toys I have in the house. I have bad   arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, and some trouble with my heart. I   do take lots of medications, but I do a pretty good job of keeping them   straight. Last month I tripped on my back deck and broke my hip. They fixed   the hip and then sent me to a transitional care unit where I have been   getting physical and occupational therapy. They tell me I am getting better,   and should be ready to go home soon, but my house is kind of a mess, and one   of the nurses told me she isn’t sure it is safe for me to live there right   now. At least with being here for a month, I’m not smoking any more. I’m   pretty happy about that. They are going to send one of the public health   nurses over to check out my house to see what needs to be fixed so it is safe   for me to live there again. They told me that after the nurse goes through my   house, she will visit me and help me with a plan to fix the house.Home Safety Plan Concept Map Assignment Paper.

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