Criteria Security Decision-Makers Discussion Paper.

Criteria Security Decision-Makers Discussion Paper.

What are the criteria security decision-makers use to evaluate the trustworthiness of a data center for critical data?

Participatory Vendor Selection


Description of consensus development process


Decision Maker #1 Healthcare consultant in the Registrar Department Ease of Use Cost Security features
Vendor 1 (EPIC) 70 60 80
Vendor 2 (CERNER) 50 40 90


The process of developing a consensus for the preferred electronic health records began with inviting stakeholders to voice their opinion or in the case of the assignment interviewing two healthcare professionals. Criteria Security Decision-Makers Discussion Paper.Epic and Cerner were the two vendors that were selected for this assignment. I interviewed, Rita Garza, a healthcare consultant in the registrar department at the institution she works at as well as a recent nursing graduate (Mr. W) who works at a hospital in Lufkin, Texas. Rita Garza represented the administrative level employee while the other represented the clinical level employee at a hospital. Both interviews were conducted on the phone. Out of the three criteria, ease of use, cost, and security features, each candidate was asked to rate from the least important to the most. They were also asked how much more an attribute was important compared to the less important one. Then the scores were weighted to see which candidate preferred which EHR system according to what they found to be the most important criteria.




Decision Maker #2


Ease of Use Cost Security features
Vendor 1 (EPIC) 60 70 90
Vendor 2 (CERNER) 40 50 60

Standardized table


Decision Maker #1 Healthcare consultant in the Registrar Department Ease of Use Cost Security features
Vendor 1 (EPIC) 100 100 0
Vendor 2 (CERNER) 0 0 100



Decision Maker #2


Ease of Use Cost Security features
Vendor 1 (EPIC) 100 100 100
Vendor 2 (CERNER) 0 0 0

Order  of rank and weighted scores

Criteria Security Decision-Makers Discussion Paper.

Health Consultant


  Score Weight
Ease of Use 10 .08
Cost 30 .25
Security features 80 .67
Sum 120 1




  Score Weight
Ease of Use 10 .13
Cost 30 .36
Security features 40 .50
Sum 80 1


The interview process:

Both Rita Garza and Mr. B were presented the same questions. Out of the three criteria, ease of use, cost, and security features, Rita Garza stated that ease of use was the least important. Cost was what was important next because one would want to receive the best for the cheapest possible. She stated that security features are the most important to her as patients’ security and confidentiality was her main concern. Mr. B agreed with Rita Garza in his opinion of security features being the most important. He said that ease of use can vary as people can adjust and learn to use it eventually. According to Mr. B cost is more important than ease of use. At the end of both interviews, I was able to conclude that both candidates ranked the three criteria the same way.Criteria Security Decision-Makers Discussion Paper.



Decision Maker #2


Ease of Use Cost Security features
Vendor 1 (EPIC) 100 100 100
Vendor 2 (CERNER) 0 0 0




Decision Maker #2


Ease of Use Cost Security features  
Vendor 1 (EPIC) 100 * .08 = 8 100 * .25 = 25 100 * .67 = 67 100 – this system is preferred
Vendor 2 (CERNER) 0 0 0 0


According to the weighed score, Epic (Vendor 1), which has the highest score would be the chosen vendor.



Decision Maker #1 Healthcare consultant in the Registrar Department Ease of Use Cost Security features
Vendor 1 (EPIC) 100 100 0
Vendor 2 (CERNER) 0 0 100




Decision Maker #1 Healthcare consultant in the Registrar Department Ease of Use Cost Security features  
Vendor 1 (EPIC) 100 * .13 = 13 100 *.36 = 36 0 49
Vendor 2 (CERNER) 0 0 100 * .50 = 50 50 – this system is preferred


According to the weighted score, Cerner (Vendor 2), which has the highest score would be the chosen vendor. Criteria Security Decision-Makers Discussion Paper.

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