Certified Secure Computer Administrator Assignment Papers.

Certified Secure Computer Administrator Assignment Papers.

You are a security administrator responsible for providing secure configuration requirements for new laptop deployments.  Malware infections have noticeably increased in your company, and all the impacted machines did not have updated anti-virus signatures.   Your task is to setup secure configuration settings and Anti-Virus to assure the systems are secure and document this in a Word document as instructions for others to use. Certified Secure Computer Administrator Assignment Papers.


After reading Modules 2 and 3 of Certified Secure Computer User v2 exercises, apply the configuration settings below on your Windows® or Mac® computer and take screenshots of each step.  Then, apply Anti-Virus to the system using the instructions below.


  1. Lock system when not in use
  2. Create and change user account password
  3. Disable Guest Account
  4. Enable Automatic Software Updates
  5. Enable Firewall
  6. Create a New Firewall Rule
  7. Turn on Windows Defender
  8. Enable bitlocker
  9. Decrypt file using EFS
  10. Disable Unnecessary Services. Certified Secure Computer Administrator Assignment Papers.


  1. Lock system when not in use
  2. Disable Automatic Login
  3. Enable Automatic Software updates
  4. Disable Guest Account
  5. Enable FileVault
  6. Enable Firewall
  7. Change Password at set intervals
  8. Enable and set parental controls

Choose one of the following two options for Anti-Virus administration:

Option 1 (choose this option if you do not have Kaspersky or Avast anti-virus software on your machine):

  • Follow the directions given in Module 3 to install and configure Kaspersky or Avast anti-virus software on your machine.
  • Verify that virus definitions are current. Take a screenshot.
  • Run a scan of your machine. Take a screenshot of the results. Certified Secure Computer Administrator Assignment Papers.

Option 2 (choose this option if you already have anti-virus software installed on your machine):

  • Verify that virus definitions are current. Take a screenshot.
  • Run a scan of your machine. Take a screenshot of the results.

Paste ALL screenshots into a single Microsoft® Word document to demonstrate you applied appropriate configurations and anti-virus definitions are current.

Write a short explanation for each screenshot explaining what it is, how it was setup, and why it helps secure the system. Certified Secure Computer Administrator Assignment Papers.


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