Application of Historical Research Paper.

Application of Historical Research Paper.


Application of Historical Research:

For this assignment you are going to look at the art and architecture created by the people we are studying this semester. Art is not just fun to look at, it tells us something significant about the people that created it. This is a chance for you to look at the objects people created in the past and to use those objects to discover more about history.Application of Historical Research Paper.


Assignment Instructions:

This assignment will require you to use your knowledge of the different civilizations we have discussed and apply them to understanding the art created in the places and times covered by this class. Choose one of the following pieces of art or architecture: The Cave Paintings at Lascoux , KV62, the Tomb of King Tutankamun , Doryphorus , Emperor Qin\’s Terracotta Army Sutton Hoo Burial Site Augustus of Prima Porta Temple Statuary from Mesopotamia, The Book of Kells The Blue Mosque The Virgin of the Rocks Tokugawa Popular Art Aztec Stone Sculpture Artifacts from the Mississippian Mound culture Rock Hewn Churches of Lalibela

Application of Historical Research Paper.

You will write a two to three page paper on the art or architecture you chose. Your paper should answer the following:

-What civilization does this art represent?

-What is the title of the piece?

-Who is the artist (if possible)?

-Why did you choose this piece?

-How was the piece created? What is the medium?

-Why was the piece created?

-What does this work tell you about the civilization that created it?


Purpose of the Assignment:

This assignment is designed to give you an interdisciplinary approach to understanding history. People produced much more than written documents throughout history. Humans have long created art, even before they developed into civilizations. Artistic representations reflect the beliefs, customs, norms, mores, and social structures of people, though sometimes it takes time to understand what is being conveyed by a piece of art. By looking closely, we get a visual representation of the people and societies that existed in the past. By studying the visual remnants of the past, it also gives students the opportunity to tap into different learning styles and concepts.Application of Historical Research Paper.


What to Include in Your Submission

  • Coversheet and bibliography.
  • Three academic sources not including the textbook and provided website.
  • Citations for all facts and information from your research, not just the direct quotes.

Application of Historical Research: The Blue Mosque



Different civilizations around the globe have left marks that will be identified for more generations to come. As such, many boast of iconic features that spread across their territories. These classical features exist with richness of art in them, which not only represent beauty or resemblance, but as well, tells us something significant about the people that created it. Therefore, various pieces of arts make us discover more about the history that existed during their creation period. One such piece is the Blue Mosque is popularly known as the Sultan Ahmed Mosque, located in Istanbul, Turkey (Yildiz & Polatoglu, 2013). This essay will focus on this art piece to establish its rich history in the world of art.Application of Historical Research Paper.

The Blue Mosque Civilization Era

The Blue Mosque represents the Ottoman civilization that lasted from late 13th century to early 20th century (Mikhail& Philliou, 2012). The main territory for the Ottoman empire is the modern-day Turkey, where the Blue mosque remains an iconic feature in the midst of the capital, Istanbul. The Blue Mosque does not only represent an admiration feature, but as well, it represents the rich history of the Ottoman civilization architecture that was adopted from centuries of rich culture and social structures of people within the Ottoman empire.Application of Historical Research Paper.

Art Title

The Blue Mosque (Popularly known as the Sultan Ahmed Mosque)

The Artist Behind the Blue Mosque

The Ottoman empire was characterized by a richness of architecture that spanned for centuries, especially when it came to mosque development. Sinan was a renown Ottoman architectwho’s his expertise and love of magnificent features will be remembered for generations to come. His mastery of the art was passed on to several other youngmen, one of them isSedefkar Mehmed Agha, who was the brain behind the Blue Mosque(Stouffs & Tunçer, 2015). With its construction running between 1609 and 1616, its design borrowed heavily on the Byzantine elements and Islamic architecture which are visible both on the interior and exterior designs of the mosque.Application of Historical Research Paper.

The Reason Behind Choosing This Piece

The Blue Mosque was carefully chosen as it remains a recognizable piece of art anda visual representation of the people and societies that existed, notably with a diverse culture that represents civilization, as well as religion elements. This historical piece continues to elicit history richness even in the present modern era, with admiration of art that was carefully crafted as a symbol of might for the then Ottoman empire. Its design represented the finest art at that time, making it an iconic feature that tell us more about the rich architecture, culture that had been practiced for centuries by the Ottoman civilization(Stouffs & Tunçer, 2015).Application of Historical Research Paper.

The Creation of The Piece and The Medium Used

Mehmed Agha, the brain behind the Blue Mosque borrowed heavily from the Ottoman architecture with influence from the then empire leadership of Sultan Ahmed I. The mosque was created on thesite of the palace of the Byzantine emperors next to the famous Hippodrome and the Hagia Sophia (Kiran, 2020). Its name “the blue mosque” is derived from the handcrafted blue tiles that surround the interior walls, making it an art that is admired by many (Taskiran& Bolat, 2012). Its exterior design contains six minarets that resemble that of the Makkah mosque(Stouffs & Tunçer, 2015).  Unlike other mosques that existed at that time, the Blue Mosque design incorporated a large backyard that resulted inthe demolition of several established ministerial palaces at that time. Its strategic position makes it visible from many ends of the Istanbul city, making it an iconic feature that not only works as a place of worship, but also as a tourist attraction across the globe.Application of Historical Research Paper.

The Reason Behind the Building of The Blue Mosque

During the early 17th century, the ottoman empire was under the rule of a young Sultan – Sultan Ahmed I, who inherited an empire that was on the verge of defeat with unsuccessful war victories over the Austrians and the Persians (Malik, 2002). With something to prove the might of the empire, there was a thought of building a huge mosque that not only symbolized the capabilities of the empire, but as well outweighs the Christianity dominance within the city as the Hagia Sophia mosque had been converted into a Christian Basilica(Kiran, 2020). The Blue Mosque was placed next to Hagia Sophia on a purpose as a way of expressing the supremacy of Islamic civilization over Christendom by the Ottoman empire (Yaycioglu, 2018).  The building of the mosque was entirely funded by the empire’s treasury unlike other mosques that were built out of the war proceeds.Application of Historical Research Paper.

The Art and The Civilization That Created It

This piece of art tells us much about the culture and traditions that the ottoman civilization was characterized by. First, it symbolizes the rich architecture that spanned for centuries, bringing on board the finest of art not only in the building architect, but also on the design (Stouffs& Tunçer, 2015). On the other hand, the Blue Mosque was a show of might for the ottoman empire, which had suffered defeats from other rival empires. Furthermore, its location next to the Hagia Sophia symbolizes a civilization that was keen on continuation of the Islamic reign that seemed to be dominated by the Christian movement especially within the Ottoman’s empire main territory of Istanbul.Application of Historical Research Paper.

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