Multimedia Presentation Planning Paper.

Multimedia Presentation Planning Paper.


Complete the Multimedia Presentation Planning Worksheet, in which you will discuss your potential multimedia presentation for Project 3.

Download the Multimedia Presentation Planning Worksheet to help you start Project 3 off on the right foot. Since this course has entailed quite a bit of writing thus far, this assignment provides you with an opportunity to get creative. You have the choice of three tools—Prezi, PowerPoint, or Microsoft Word—to present your opinions and observations on the creation and value of historical inquiry as it relates to the work you have done on your first two projects.

Maybe you have always wanted to try Prezi, you are already comfortable using PowerPoint, or you want to format your presentation as a newsletter in Word (feel free to get really creative here and have fun with this). No matter your preference, decide which tool would be the most effective method for you. Complete the worksheet to gather your thoughts around what text, visuals, and audio you might include in your multimedia presentation.

To complete this assignment, review the Multimedia Presentation Planning Worksheet Guidelines and Rubric document.


HIS 100: Multimedia Presentation Planning Worksheet Guidelines and Rubric
Prompt: This assignment provides you with an opportunity to brainstorm for and plan your Multimedia Presentation that you will create for Project 3. You have the choice of three tools to use for your presentation—Prezi, PowerPoint, or Microsoft Word. In this presentation, you will choose one of these tools, brainstorm your opinions and observations on the creation and value of historical inquiry as it relates to the work you have done on your first two projects, and plan out text, visual, and audio elements to articulate these ideas to an audience in an engaging manner.
To complete this assignment, download the Multimedia Presentation Planning Worksheet. In the first part of the worksheet, you will brainstorm your ideas. In the second part of the worksheet, you will plan the text, visuals, and audio for your presentation slides.
Guidelines for Submission: Complete and submit the Multimedia Presentation Planning Worksheet.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value Brainstorming Meets criteria for “Proficient” and includes specific examples as appropriate Describes thoughts on each question Describes thoughts on some questions but not all Does not describe thoughts on any of the questions 30 Slide Text Ideas Meets criteria for “Proficient” and provides details on how audience will be engaged Develops ideas for each slide’s text Develops ideas for some slides’ text but not all Does not develop ideas for any slides’ text 30 Slide Visuals and Audio Ideas Meets criteria for “Proficient” and provides details on how audience will be engaged Develop ideas for each slide’s visuals and audio Develops ideas for some slides’ visuals and audio but not all Does not develop ideas for any slides’ visuals and audio 30 Articulation of Response Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy-to- read format Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 10 Total 100%

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