Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay.

Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay.


Reflect on the written work you submitted in Topic 2 to create a revised version of “Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability. Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay.


Contrasting Leadership Theories and Analyzing their Applicability: Trait Theory vs. Transformational (Relationship) Theory of Leadership

According to Northouse (2019), leadership is a phenomenon that has not been very easy to describe over the century or so since it gained scholarly attention and interest. But a few things are without doubt. Leaders inspire people and facilitate the accomplishment of feats that would have otherwise been impossible to achieve separately.Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay. Leadership is a unique role of responsibility that requires exceptional communication skills, persuasion, likeability, empathy, understanding, firmness, conviction, purpose, extroversion, and principle. Several theories have been advanced over the years to explain leadership. Two of these theories are the trait theory of leadership and the transformational or relationship theory of leadership. This paper presents an overview of these two theories, contrasts them, and evaluates the applicability of each in different situations.Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay.

The Trait Theory of Leadership

The trait theory of leadership presents it from a personality perspective. The theory defines or presents a leader as a person with particular characteristics or traits that inherently make them better leaders than the rest of the people.Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay. It is these traits that the leader makes use of to convince the masses to accomplish the objectives the leader asks them to. What is important to note, however, is that the theory presents these leadership traits possessed by successful leaders as innate or genetic. In other words, they are traits that cannot be learnt but which one has to be born with. Critics have questioned though why there are some people who possess the desired leadership traits but who are either not interested in leadership or not successful in leadership.Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay.

The components of the trait theory of leadership are intelligence, self-confidence, integrity, determination, and sociability (Northouse, 2019). According to Swan (2016), the intelligence referred to in the trait theory of leadership is not the one associated with the acquisition of knowledge and its application in solving problems. Granted, a successful leader must also be of average of slightly above average intelligence. In the trait theory of leadership, however, a successful leader is one who possesses both emotional and social intelligence.Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay. Emotional intelligence is the ability of the leader to effectively control his/ her emotions, while social intelligence is the leader’s ability to effectively interact with people and form relationships (Swan, 2016). Self confidence is belief in oneself and one’s abilities and it helps leaders inspire others to believe in themselves too. Integrity is the ability to be honest and engender trust from those who are led. Determination is relentlessness and persistence, while sociability is the trait that enables one to easily make friendships and get along effortlessly with even strangers (Northouse, 2019).Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay.

The Transformational (Relationship) Theory of Leadership

Transformational theory of leadership is also referred to as the relationship theory of leadership. It views leadership as a process of transformation of those who are led. The transformation involves influencing and motivating subjects to a level that they find themselves achieving goals set for them beyond expectations. In other words, the leader is able to create such as strong and influential relationship with his/ her followers that they do not feel strained or fatigued to accomplish feats (Northouse, 2019).Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay. Transformational leadership theory recognizes that a transformational leader inspires, empowers, and challenges their subjects to achieve their full potential without restrictive supervision, policies, laws, or procedures. As a matter of fact, studies have consistently shown a positive correlation between transformational leadership and follower outcomes (Turnnidge & Côté, 2016). The transformational leader motivates followers to work towards a goal and makes them have a sense of well-being and feeling wanted. In other words, the transformational leader creates psychological safety for their followers who may be employees or any other group of people brought together by a common purpose.Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay.

The main components or dimensions of transformational leadership theory are (i) inspirational motivation; (ii) idealized influence; (iii) individualized consideration; and (iv) intellectual stimulation (Turnnidge & Côté, 2016). Inspirational motivation in this case involves inspiring the followers to own the future vision on which their goal is based and work towards achieving it. Idealized influence means that the leader makes themselves the role models that the followers then work hard to emulate.Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay. Individualized consideration on the other hand refers to the leader’s personal and individual handling of the concerns of each and every of his/ her followers. This makes them feel special and makes them want to exceed the expectations placed on them. Last but not least, intellectual stimulation is the persistent act of inspiring and encouraging followers to explore and suggest without fear novel and innovative ideas that may improve the outcome expected (Turnnidge & Côté, 2016).Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay.

Contrasting the Trait Theory of Leadership and the Transformational Theory of Leadership

            There are significant differences between these two theories. First and foremost, the trait theory of leadership relies on innate personal traits to explain leadership while the transformational theory of leadership relies on interpersonal relationships to do the same. According to Johns and Moser (1989), the trait theory of leadership is a very early version of leadership theory that has been shown by way of studies to be unreliable. This is because it has not been possible to prove that all good leaders have exactly the same characteristics or attributes. On the contrary, transformational theory of leadership is a more recent appreciation of leadership and is more apt in describing the relationship between effective motivational techniques and sociology of the leadership unit on the one hand; and the achievement of desired outcomes on the other (Johns & Moser, 1989). Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay.

Applicability of the Two Theories with Regard to the Contrasts Above

From the analysis above, it may be considered that the trait theory can be applicable in situations that require short term leadership to achieve a short term goal. This is because short term projects produce quick rewards and this may mitigate the flaws that are inherent in the theory itself. Chief amongst these flaws is that it has been shown that not all leaders possessing traits such as determination, sociability, integrity, self confidence, and social/ emotional intelligence are good or successful leaders.Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay. Also, there have been good and successful leaders who did not necessarily possess all of these traits. Such a short term project may be an election campaign, a sports outing, or a training exercise. The point is that before the followers realize that their leader is actually not as motivating and inspiring as they should be (meaning that they were just putting up a façade), the project will be over. There will be no time to see burnout, disgruntlement, de-motivation, and low morale.Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay.

On the other hand, applicability of the transformational leadership theory (TTL) is feasible in long term leader-follower relationships such as work environments, presidential administrations, or long-term projects like the construction of a stadium amongst others. The main reason for this is that followers in this case require a more permanent, consistent, and genuine source of motivation, role modelling, and empathy. Only transformational leaders can achieve this because they create conducive work environments that are welcoming and demonstrative of psychological safety. Because of this, it can be said that transformational theory of leadership is more applicable to a variety of situations that the trait theory of leadership. This is because transformational leaders create enduring relationship bonds with followers based on positive influence, inspiration, openness to new ideas, and individualized attention (Turnnidge & Côté, 2016).  Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay.


Two of the most talked about leadership theories are trait theory and transformational theory of leadership. The former adopts the view that leaders are born with leadership traits while the latter takes the stand that effective leaders work on creating healthy relationships with their followers. The former is based on an earlier view of leadership while the latter is a more recent appreciation of leadership dynamics. Transformational leadership theory is more applicable in a variety of situations that trait theory of leadership.Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay.

Overview of Trait and Skill Theory of Leadership


The leadership approach is to inspire a group of individuals to pursue a shared goal, it is often defined as a method of social influence in which one person may support and encourage others to achieve a similar work. In the beginning of 19th century the focus on leadership was greater than before. There was a reflection on the likeness of the models of leadership with the initial models of leadership following groups, while theories that was soon after investigated different factors such as situational aspects and degree of skill. It is an inherent belief that leaders are born and ideally suited to leadership because of their qualities according to the early trait theory. Personality traits that are common in leaders are frequently identified in this theory. The paper will overview and contrast the two theories Trait theories of leadership and Skill theory of leadership.Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay.

Theories Contrast

As the first academic leadership theory the trait theory seeks to understand why specific individuals are more effective leaders than others. Thomas Carlyle used the trait theory to understand and classify individuals who assumed power with skills, talents and traits (Marturano & Gosling, 2007).Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay.

The leadership traits theory is distinct from other theories of leadership, since the emphasis is not on subordinates or contexts.  The Leadership trait theory is based on the traits of several successful and ineffective leaders and is used to estimate organizational performance and leadership effectiveness.Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay.  The generated trait lists are contrasted with those of future leaders to determine their risk of success or failure.  If the theory has been found, these natural leaders will then be encouraged to be successful. The most prominent leadership traits described are: business knowledge, initiative, resilience, power, solid cognitive skills and good decision-making skills, flexibility, creativity, charisma, social skills, and desire for achievement, confidence, honesty and integrity (Kirkpatick & Locke, 1991). The theory that’s different of the trait leadership theory is that the skill theory of leadership.  Both of the theories have a focus on leadership, however not on traits on inborn distinctiveness, however leaders will gain knowledge of the skills and abilities which will be learned and developed.  The success of leadership will be measured on the premise of what the leader will accomplish.Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay.  By concentrating  on what should be done and not be in concern about who they are, this theory  this idea permits for leadership to be accessible to everybody rather than a chosen few with the traits that are being seek leadership.  There are three key skills that are considered required for leadership, consistent with this theory, scientific, human and conceptual (Katz, 1955). These three skills are utilized by different leaders in several ways in order to achieve objectives. For this model of leadership, traits, personality and psychological feature influence their non-inheritable skills and knowledge that leaders use as resolutions for issues and accomplish goals (Katz, 1955).The environmental factors encourage the characteristics and skills of leaders’ by vocation experience in the past, whereas traits, skills and performance is swayed by external environmental factors not in the control of the leader. Mixed together the skill model of leadership is made up. This is very important and helpful leadership theory.Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay.


Applicability of Theories

A key difference between the trait approach and the skills approach was the idea that born leaders could not be taught or developed. Nor house (2019) designates the trait approach and the skills approach as separate theories and dedicates well-defined chapters to each. The skill theory can be considered the more significant approach and a more useful leadership theory; in different situations this approach is more applicable. The trait theory is based on the premise you are born with leadership abilities or qualities, but the theory was really useful when it can develop new leaders who mixed those traits. The skills theorist searched for the skills and abilities that contributed to leaders being effective.Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay.

In contrast to the theory of traits, skill models focus on leadership and from which characteristics make them successful. Katz’s (1955) three-skill strategy and Mumford’s leadership skill model are two key theories to evolve from skills development. One of the weaknesses of the theory of skills is that most research has amongst armed forces and the applicability of other leadership contexts can be debated. That is why this theory was not used to develop professional leadership development training. Successful leadership relies on three fundamental personal skills: technical, individual and conceptual. While all three skills are vital to leaders, the value of each competency differs across layers of management ((Northouse, 2019).Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay. The very first approach that HR should take is to establish the necessary skills for leaders throughout the organization and determine the competency of the leaders by creating a skills inventory assessment and align those skills with organization. These findings should be used to help leaders to enhance skill set necessary to develop strong leadership in the organization. The best theory or model will be the skill theory, for teaching leaders, the important components  of communication, innovative ways to solve problems, conflict resolution, social judgment skills” knowledge. Collectively, these three components are positively related to effective leadership performance (Northouse, 2019).Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay.


There are many leadership theories that could have been discussed in this paper. The traits and skill theory are examples of strengths and weaknesses. Each approach identifies a person’s natural or unnatural ability to administer strong leadership qualities in an individual to perform a common goal and or a unified front in order to reach the common goal laid out before them.Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay. One can say that earlier studies focused more on the qualities but the natural born leader showed early signs of traits that would be identified as a characteristic or a trait that stood out and show the ability of the leader effectively, To look at the behavioral studies and sciences to determine what makes one exemplify those qualities rather being born with or one who has studied in the field of leadership and management suggest that they both can with the proper rearing and training become effective leaders. When studies by different researchers showed the characteristics and traits of a those who had great leadership ability they studied both successful and unsuccessful leaders and their traits and characteristics and their effectiveness and also compared them to now or today’s leaders to assess their ability to lead or resulting in failure due to lack of knowledge and their inability to connect with their subordinates thus showing the need for certain characteristics such as knowledge of business and possessing a good nature and the integrity to properly lead.Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay. It takes effort to have good cognitive skills and empathy as well as good judgment, creativity flexibility, intelligence and motivation. These Skills can be learned but is safe to say that on who posses those strengths and attributes are capable of being effective leaders having both traits and skill to be a successful leader possessing both skills and traits naturally to be more effective. Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay.

Overview of Trait and Skill Theory of Leadership


The leadership approach is to inspire a group of individuals to pursue a shared goal, it is often defined as a method of social influence in which one person may support and encourage others to achieve a similar work. In the beginning of 19th century the focus on leadership was greater than before.Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay. There was a reflection on the likeness of the models of leadership with the initial models of leadership following groups, while theories that was soon after investigated different factors such as situational aspects and degree of skill. It is an inherent belief that leaders are born and ideally suited to leadership because of their qualities according to the early trait theory. Personality traits that are common in leaders are frequently identified in this theory. The paper will overview and contrast the two theories Trait theories of leadership and Skill theory of leadership.Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay.

Theories Contrast

As the first academic leadership theory the trait theory seeks to understand why specific individuals are more effective leaders than others. Thomas Carlyle used the trait theory to understand and classify individuals who assumed power with skills, talents and traits (Marturano & Gosling, 2007).Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay.

The leadership traits theory is distinct from other theories of leadership, since the emphasis is not on subordinates or contexts.  The Leadership trait theory is based on the traits of several successful and ineffective leaders and is used to estimate organizational performance and leadership effectiveness.  The generated trait lists are contrasted with those of future leaders to determine their risk of success or failure.  If the theory has been found, these natural leaders will then be encouraged to be successful.Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay. The most prominent leadership traits described are: business knowledge, initiative, resilience, power, solid cognitive skills and good decision-making skills, flexibility, creativity, charisma, social skills, and desire for achievement, confidence, honesty and integrity (Kirkpatick & Locke, 1991). The theory that’s different of the trait leadership theory is that the skill theory of leadership.  Both of the theories have a focus on leadership, however not on traits on inborn distinctiveness, however leaders will gain knowledge of the skills and abilities which will be learned and developed.Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay.  The success of leadership will be measured on the premise of what the leader will accomplish.  By concentrating  on what should be done and not be in concern about who they are, this theory  this idea permits for leadership to be accessible to everybody rather than a chosen few with the traits that are being seek leadership.  There are three key skills that are considered required for leadership, consistent with this theory, scientific, human and conceptual (Katz, 1955). These three skills are utilized by different leaders in several ways in order to achieve objectives. For this model of leadership, traits, personality and psychological feature influence their non-inheritable skills and knowledge that leaders use as resolutions for issues and accomplish goals (Katz, 1955).The environmental factors encourage the characteristics and skills of leaders’ by vocation experience in the past, whereas traits, skills and performance is swayed by external environmental factors not in the control of the leader. Mixed together the skill model of leadership is made up. This is very important and helpful leadership theory.Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay.


Applicability of Theories

A key difference between the trait approach and the skills approach was the idea that born leaders could not be taught or developed. Nor house (2019) designates the trait approach and the skills approach as separate theories and dedicates well-defined chapters to each. The skill theory can be considered the more significant approach and a more useful leadership theory; in different situations this approach is more applicable. The trait theory is based on the premise you are born with leadership abilities or qualities, but the theory was really useful when it can develop new leaders who mixed those traits. The skills theorist searched for the skills and abilities that contributed to leaders being effective.Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay.

In contrast to the theory of traits, skill models focus on leadership and from which characteristics make them successful. Katz’s (1955) three-skill strategy and Mumford’s leadership skill model are two key theories to evolve from skills development. One of the weaknesses of the theory of skills is that most research has amongst armed forces and the applicability of other leadership contexts can be debated. That is why this theory was not used to develop professional leadership development training. Successful leadership relies on three fundamental personal skills: technical, individual and conceptual. While all three skills are vital to leaders, the value of each competency differs across layers of management ((Northouse, 2019).Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay. The very first approach that HR should take is to establish the necessary skills for leaders throughout the organization and determine the competency of the leaders by creating a skills inventory assessment and align those skills with organization. These findings should be used to help leaders to enhance skill set necessary to develop strong leadership in the organization. The best theory or model will be the skill theory, for teaching leaders, the important components  of communication, innovative ways to solve problems, conflict resolution, social judgment skills” knowledge. Collectively, these three components are positively related to effective leadership performance (Northouse, 2019).Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay.


There are many leadership theories that could have been discussed in this paper. The traits and skill theory are examples of strengths and weaknesses. Each approach identifies a person’s natural or unnatural ability to administer strong leadership qualities in an individual to perform a common goal and or a unified front in order to reach the common goal laid out before them.Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay. One can say that earlier studies focused more on the qualities but the natural born leader showed early signs of traits that would be identified as a characteristic or a trait that stood out and show the ability of the leader effectively, To look at the behavioral studies and sciences to determine what makes one exemplify those qualities rather being born with or one who has studied in the field of leadership and management suggest that they both can with the proper rearing and training become effective leaders. When studies by different researchers showed the characteristics and traits of a those who had great leadership ability they studied both successful and unsuccessful leaders and their traits and characteristics and their effectiveness and also compared them to now or today’s leaders to assess their ability to lead or resulting in failure due to lack of knowledge and their inability to connect with their subordinates thus showing the need for certain characteristics such as knowledge of business and possessing a good nature and the integrity to properly lead.Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay. It takes effort to have good cognitive skills and empathy as well as good judgment, creativity flexibility, intelligence and motivation. These Skills can be learned but is safe to say that on who posses those strengths and attributes are capable of being effective leaders having both traits and skill to be a successful leader possessing both skills and traits naturally to be more effective. Leader/Context Interaction and Theory Applicability Essay.

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