Human Services Case Intervention Essay Assignment Papers.

Human Services Case Intervention Essay Assignment Papers.


Your integrative project, based on your analysis of a particular case, provides the opportunity for you to demonstrate your competence in the multidisciplinary approach to human services practice. In the two previous project components, you chose a case, gathered data, and collaborated with other professionals to gain a more complete understanding of the case. You then integrated what you learned to arrive at a course of action for the client you chose. Human Services Case Intervention Essay Assignment Papers.


This assignment is the final step in working with the case you have chosen. The goal of this assignment is for you to take what you have learned from working with an individual and apply this knowledge to advocate for a broader group within the community or society, addressing a larger issue.

Additional Case Information

Here is additional information for the two case clients to be used for this assignment:

Case 1: Joseph, an 8-year-old first grader recently placed in foster care after an emergency removal from his home.

Situation: Several schools in the area have asked Children’s Services to provide an informational training for school staff about children placed in foster care and the schools about what to look for and how to support kids who are in this transition. You will be presenting in front of educators, school administrators, and school counselors at a school-sponsored training session. This is an opportunity to advocate for inter-agency partnerships. Human Services Case Intervention Essay Assignment Papers.

Case 2: Mark, a 28-year-old inmate at in the transition unit at a correctional facility who is expected to be released in two months.

Situation. You will be presenting in front of a local business group who is interested in learning more about the job transition program. This is an opportunity to advocate for more local businesses to hire individuals from the program to work for them.


The assignment is to develop and present your course of action for your client in the context of a broader group of stakeholders. In addition to assuming responsibility for recommending a course of action for your client, you are also advocating that the community consider addressing a larger issue.

You received information on your client in the form of case notes, case files, database records, and phone conversations, and you actively analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated the information to better understand the nature of the client and his situation. You created a case conceptualization. You also participated in collaborative conversations in which you sought, listened to, and integrated the opinions of other professionals. You synthesized what you learned into a course of action and recommendations for your client. Human Services Case Intervention Essay Assignment Papers.

Now, make a presentation to your peers that communicates the course of action for this client to the stakeholders who are in a position to assist the client in taking a next step. Present the course of action in a way that will capture the interest of the stakeholder group and possibly for others in similar situations. The challenge is to present your case in a way that clarifies the possibility of a new policy or approach to benefit a larger group of people, including other clients, additional stakeholders, and the community or society as a whole.


  • Written communication: Regardless of the option you select below, submit a PowerPoint presentation, along with a one-page handout that you would provide to members of your audience.
  • Length: Your presentation should be captured in Microsoft PowerPoint, for a presentation lasting 10–15 minutes.
  • Slide Standards: Each slide should use words sparingly, offering headline-type summaries of key points. Details of what will be presented may be included in the notes for each slide. Human Services Case Intervention Essay Assignment Papers.

Electronic Submission

  • Prepare your PowerPoint slides for a presentation of 10–15 minutes as if you were presenting to the audience as described above in the situation portion of the assignment.
  • Submit your PowerPoint file, with details on each slide in the Notes section, and your 1-page handout file in the assignment area no later than Thursday of this week.
  • Once submitted use the publishing controls and publish your assignment for you peers to review.

Peer Review

  • Be prepared to respond to at least one question from your instructor or peers following your submission.

Portfolio Prompt: You may choose to save this learning activity to your ePortfolio.


 Human Services Case Intervention Essay Assignment Papers.


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