Hamlet by Shakespeare Assignment Essay

Hamlet by Shakespeare Assignment Essay

Read a summary on “Hamlet”

Answer the questions: Short answer only.

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In the play Hamlet by Shakespeare, there is a constant theme of revenge and depression the entire plot that has a main impact on the whole story. The main revenge plots of the play are: the goal of Hamlet to kill his uncle, that is, avenging his father, Laertes’ goal to kill Hamlet as a way of avenging his dad and the plan of Fortinbras’ to kill Hamlet and take back the land of the father.
Your father dies and your mother remarries soon after the funeral. She marries your uncle, a man you never liked. He wants you to stay home rather than go back to the university where you were when your father died. How would you feel? How would you behave toward your mother? Toward your stepfather?Hamlet by Shakespeare Assignment Essay
Despite seeing from Hamlet that people plot for revenge and how they would kill to avenge their father’s death, there is always a better way to deal with such circumstances. In my case, I would feel let down by my stepfather hence will try and talk to my mother regarding the issue. Since she has been around all along, I would reason with her and try explaining that going back to the university is the best course of action for my future as well as get busy. As for my stepfather, maybe I would understand where he is coming from but if he does not listen to reason, I would let him be because there was a reason my mother chose to settle with him (Verma, 2016).

Your father dies suddenly under suspicious circumstances. One night his ghost appears and tells you he was murdered by your uncle. Not only that, but he expects you to avenge the murder. Would you trust the ghost? How would you check out his story? what would you do about bringing your uncle to justice?
Just the same way in Act I Barnardo, Horatio and Marcellus did not believe the ghost at first, I wouldn’t either. Since I have learnt that ghosts are not real, hence, despite it being my dad, I would have a problem discerning between reality and appearance. However, after confirmation, I would entreat my father’s ghost to stay and talk so that I can listen to the tale. However, I would not believe the ghost but would ask my uncle what he thinks regarding my father’s death and do my best to seek justice for him.Hamlet by Shakespeare Assignment Essay

You are a young woman very much in love with your boyfriend who you have always believed, loves you back in return. You are confident that one day you will marry each other. But your father and brother insist that you are only being used and tell you to break off the relationship. Do you follow your father’s orders or do you follow your heart? How would you know whether or not your father was right?
It is natural that our fathers are right in making decisions for us and that they are based on their utmost love for us. However, this case concerns my happiness therefore, I would sit my father and brother down and discuss the issue with them reasonably. Since your family cares for you, they should be able to make healthy decisions concerning your life and relationships.
You are a woman who remarried soon after your husband’s death. Your son hates your second husband and believes that he murdered your first husband (his father). Would you believe your son? What would you do?
Being my son, I believe that he wants nothing but the very best for me. I would therefore listen this theory and understand why he would make such accusations. Despite how the results of my findings turn out, I would not result as the individuals from the play by Shakespeare. Revenge will not bring my late husband back but justice will help him rest even more peacefully (de Castro, 2017).Hamlet by Shakespeare Assignment Essay

You are in love with your brother’s wife and you are pretty sure she is in love with you also. You know your brother will never agree to divorce. What would you do?
Regardless of what we have learnt from Hamlet, family means a lot and should come first in all situations. We see Hamlet, the prince of Germany doubting his uncle on numerous occasions. This circumstance goes even further to let Hamlet believe that he has seen his father’s ghost talk to him claiming that his uncle killed him. Here, I would have a long overdue talk with my brother and come up with a way forward because he is my family (Dreher, 2016).


de Castro, M. G. (2017). Pessoa, Shakespeare, Hamlet and the Heteronyms: Studies in Neurosis. In Pessoa in an International Web (pp. 46-62). Routledge.
Dreher, D. E. (2016). “To Tell My Story” Grief and Self-Disclosure in Hamlet. Illness, Crisis & Loss, 24(1), 3-14.
Verma, A. (2016). Hamlet: Shakespeare’s Masterpiece in Our Times. Language in India, 16(7).

Hamlet is one of the most famous plays written by the renowned writer of literature, William Shakespeare. He penned it down sometime between 1599 and 1602. The play garnered numerous positive reviews and the word ‘excellent’ may seem an understatement. Apart from that, Hamlet happens to be Shakespeare’s longest play ever and is considered highly influential and ominous in the world of literature. Originally, it was titled ‘The tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark’. However, as its popularity grew, it came to be known as ‘Hamlet’.Hamlet by Shakespeare Assignment Essay

The play is divided into five scenes, more appropriately called acts. Each act follows the other. Basically, this is done to make the story more distinct to the readers and to help readers read between the lines and interpret each character. The play follows a third person approach throughout yet tends to delve deeper into the complexity of emotions.

The first act foremost aims at explaining the current scenario around Prince Hamlet who is the protagonist of the story. His father is King Hamlet who has recently died. The king’s brother immediately crowns himself as his brother’s successor, now being called Kind Claudius, and also marries the widowed queen, Queen Gertrude who is also Hamlet’s mother. The narrative then explains a long-standing dispute between Norway, a neighbouring kingdom, whose King Fortinbras was killed by King Hamlet and whose throne was taken upon by his son, Prince Fortinbras. The narrative ends with a phase linking to Denmark’s fear of invasion by the known enemy.Hamlet by Shakespeare Assignment Essay

Summary essay of Hamlet
In the first scene of the first act, two sentries, namely Bernardo and Marcellus, are shown talking about having witnessed a ghost of King Hamlet on the ramparts of Elsinore, the Danish royal castle. The ghost suddenly appears again making the two take an oath to inform Prince Hamlet about him with Horatio, Prince Hamlet’s friend, as an eyewitness.

In the second scene, Prince Hamlet looks on as the court proceeds where his mother and uncle are seated managing the affairs. King Claudius gives permission to Polonius’s (elderly advisor) son. Also, he sends envoys to Norway to inform about Fortinbras. Then, King Claudius reprimands Prince Hamlet due to the latter excessive despair over his father’s death and also cancels his request of going back to school. After the court scene, Hamlet meets Horatio and expresses his disgust over his father’s sudden demise and his mother’s immediate remarriage. Horatio informs Prince Hamlet of the ghost.

In the next scene, Ophelia, Polonius’s daughter expresses her interest in Prince Hamlet on which her brother rebukes her while Polonius tells her to reject the Prince’s advances if any. The scene shifts towards the night where the ghost of King Hamlet appears in front of Prince Hamlet and discloses that he was murdered by Claudius and demands that Hamlet takes revenge from his uncle. After the ghost disappears, Hamlet tells Horatio and the same sentries about his plan to act mad from now on and plot against his uncle. However, Prince Hamlet is shown to doubt the ghost’s existence as the first act ends here.

The second act begins with Ophelia rushing to her father and informing him about Prince Hamlet’s erratic behaviour and how he turned up at her doorstep half undressed. Polonius goes to the royal couple inform them of Hamlet’s madness when he witnesses them welcoming Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, two friends of Hamlet, and ask them to find out about Hamlet’s behaviour. The messenger arrives and informs King Claudius that the King of Norway has changed their plan of attack but their armies would still cross Denmark on their way to Poland.Hamlet by Shakespeare Assignment Essay

In the next scene, Polonius explains the incident involving his daughter and Hamlet to Claudius and Gertrude and then goes on to talk to Hamlet in the court. As planned, Hamlet continues acting insane and indirectly hurls abuses at Claudius. He then welcomes his friends and then suddenly, declare them as spies. Later in private, Hamlet laments his situation in front of his friends but does not tell them the reasons. They, in turn, tell Hamlet that they have brought along a troupe of actors. The scene shifts as Hamlet, after dismissing his friends, ask the actors to deliver a soliloquy about the death of King Priam and Queen Hecuba at the end of Trojan war.

Hamlet gets highly impressed by the troupe and plans to prepare a stage show of the murder of the Gonzaga, whose story seems very much similar to King Hamlet’s death. He attempts to test the reliability of the ghost and also Claudius’s crime and that’s exactly where the second act comes to an end.

In the third act, Polonius importunes Ophelia to return Hamlet’s gifts to which Hamlet reacts with his usual eccentric behaviour. This turns out to be Polonius’s and Claudius plan to test Hamlet’s madness of which they get pretty confident about. The scene shifts to the courtroom where everyone witnesses the play prepared by Hamlet. As the King is murdered in the play, Claudius reacts hysterically and leaves the courtroom hastily. Hamlet is hence convinced of his uncle’s guilt. The next scene shows Claudius praying but he isn’t repenting because he still believes that he has got his brother’s used possession such as his wife and kingdom while Hamlet overhears all of it. However, he does not kill his uncle then and there since he believes that his uncle would go straight to heaven if killed between his prayers.Hamlet by Shakespeare Assignment Essay

Later, Hamlet is summoned by Queen Gertrude where both of them have a heated argument. Polonius comes behind to spy on them but makes a noise. Hamlet mistakes it to be Claudius and stab him repeatedly. By the time, Hamlet realizes his folly, its late and Polonius dies. Angry and irritated, Hamlet insults his mother. Here, the ghost appears and rebukes Hamlet for his mistake and insults. Gertrude, unable to see the ghost, considers Hamlet to be actually mad. The act ends as Hamlet is seen dragging Polonius’s body away.

The fourth act begins with Claudius plotting to kill Hamlet by sending him to England. Distraught by her father’s death by her lover, Ophelia roams the street and while her brother, Laertes, returns from his school. Learning on his father’s death and sister’s madness, he declares revenge on Hamlet who returns back to Denmark, foiling the King’s plan.

The scene shifts to Claudius who again plans of arranging a match between Laertes and Hamlet to kill the later with a poisoned weapon. He keeps a glass of poisoned wine as a substitute. As the act ends, Gertrude appears and informs that Ophelia has committed suicide.Hamlet by Shakespeare Assignment Essay

The fifth and final act opens up as Horatio receives a letter from Hamlet in which he talks about how he escaped the pirates in the sea and how he slyly switched the letter given by Claudius and how he has now returned. In the next scene, Horatio meets up with Hamlet in a graveyard where two gravediggers are digging a grave. They initially talk to the gravediggers but hide when they see Laertes approaching with a funeral procession. At first, Hamlet takes it to be Polonius’s procession but soon he finds out that is Ophelia’s procession. Devastated by the loss of his lover, he blames himself for her suicide and comes out in open to lament her demise. A brawl ensues between Laertes and Hamlet.

Later, at the scene in Elsinore, Hamlet gives the details of his escape to Horatio when a courtier arrives with the new of a fencing competition between Laertes and Hamlet. This is, previously, revealed to be Claudius’s plan. During the scuffle, Queen Gertrude mistakenly take up the glass of poisoned wine to raise a toast to her son. Though Claudius attempts to stop her, she drinks the wine and dies on the spot. The scuffle raises high and in the confusion, the weapons switch from their initial positions and Hamlet strikes Laertes with his own poisoned weapon.Hamlet by Shakespeare Assignment Essay

Before dying, Laertes realizes the ploy and reveals everything to Hamlet. In a rage, Hamlet instantly kills King Claudius and hence, gets his revenge. Having been lashed by the poisoned blade himself, Hamlet accepts his demise but before that he asks Horatio to take care of everything. To this, Horatio refuses and plans to commit suicide but Hamlet requests him to live so as to tell the tale to everyone.

In the final narration, the King of Norway, noticing that Demark royalty has fallen, takes the kingdom under his stride. However, he orders a grand funeral procession in honour of Prince Hamlet. Hamlet by Shakespeare Assignment Essay



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