Group Research Designs.

Group Research Designs.


There are several different types of research designs. Each design is intended to respond to a particular type of research question. The type of research design depends on the type of research questions asked. For this Discussion, select one of the articles from the reading list and consider several classifications of group research designs.Group Research Designs.


By Day 3

Post your response to the following: Describe which groups are compared in the research. Then, classify the research design as follows:

  1. By explaining whether the study is pre-experimental (cross-sectional, one-shot case study, and longitudinal), experimental (control group with pretest and posttest, posttest only, or four-group design), or quasi-experimental (comparing one group to itself at different times or comparing two different groups)
  2. By indicating what the researchers report about limitations of the study
  3. By explaining concerns you have regarding internal validity and the ability of the study to draw conclusions about causality
  4. By explaining any concerns you have about the generalizability of the study (external validity) and what aspect of the research design might limit generalizability

Please use the resources to support your answer.Group Research Designs.

Group Research Designs

Group research designs are experimental or quasi-experimental quantitative study designs that subject each subject group to different interventions (the independent variable), controlling extraneous variables, and measuring the outcome or the dependent variable (Yegidis et al., 2018). The following is an examination of such as study design in the form of the research by Moran and Bussey (2007).Group Research Designs.

This study by Moran and Bussey (2007) investigating the impact of an alcohol prevention program in urban American youth of Indian descent was a quasi-experimental study (pre-test/ post-test/ one year follow up design) that compared one group (the intervention group) to another (the comparison group).Group Research Designs.

The researchers in this study report two important limitations to the study. One was the fact that there was a difference in the procedures used to collect data from the two groups which could have affected the results. The other was that the data collection instruments used were selected solely based on their past use in children. This means they could have failed to capture some important data related to differences in the subject populations. (Moran & Bussey, 2007).Group Research Designs.

Validity in research refers to how accurately a chosen research methodology measures the phenomenon it is designed and supposed to measure. In the case of this study, concerns about validity arise from the fact that the researchers themselves have admitted to the presence of limitations with regard to the data collection techniques and the instrument used for the same. This reduces the reliability of the study to generalize its findings and draw conclusions about causality, which is what it was measuring. In other words, the findings may be statistically significant but not clinically significant (Ranganathan et al., 2015). Generalizability of the research findings of this study by Moran and Bussey (2007) will be limited by the inconsistencies in data collection as admitted by the researchers themselves. As a result, the concern is that the results may not apply to the general population of study subjects (American youth of Indian descent).Group Research Designs.

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