Environmental Issues, Data security and Government Regulation Essay.

Environmental Issues, Data security and Government Regulation Essay.


QUESTION 1 Environmental Issues

The text, Business Ethics, Chapter 14 provides several models and frameworks for a business approach to the environment and sustainability including;

·       accelerate and innovate

·       monetize and count

·       express corporate responsibility


Using the perspective of a business owner of a mid-size manufacturer, select the approach/approaches you would recommend for this company (mid-size manufacturer). Environmental Issues, Data security and Government Regulation Essay.Support the selection by explaining the approach, describing which of the five (5) environmental positions you espouse, and how the approach and positions relate to key ethical theories we have studied.

Chapter 14: The Green Office: Economics and the Environment


QUESTION 2 Data Security

For this question, please select one of the breaches listed in the Business Insider Biggest Hacks article, research it (beyond the Business Insider article), and prepare your response to the following questions

Business Insider Biggest Data Hacks of 2018



1.  Discuss the nature of the breach in terms of WHO was harmed.  Use a stakeholder orientation as we studied to evaluate the harmed.

2.  Define and explain the overarching ethical issues demonstrated by the data breaches.  Refer to our course text to define the issues. Explain how such breaches prevail?

3.  Discuss the level of governance that you espouse for the industry? Be sure to support your position with information from our course learning and other well researched reliable sources. Environmental Issues, Data security and Government Regulation Essay.


QUESTION 3 Government Regulation

The two (2) crashes of Boeing Airlines’ 737 Max 8 present an opportunity for examining the interaction of regulators (Government), industry and society. The ongoing examination of the crashes include investigation of the Boeing/FAA relationship and the role of regulators including whether the airline manufacturing industry can / should self-govern. The following articles provide background information on the Boeing Airlines case.

How Did the F.A.A. Allow the Boeing 737 Max to Fly? | The New Yorkerwww.newyorker.com Retrieve April 17 from: https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/how-did-the-faa-allow-the-boeing-737-max-to-fly

Boeing’s Not Alone In Companies That Government Agencies Have Let Self-Regulate | NPR Heard on All Things Considered  Retrieved May 20 from: https://www.npr.org/2019/04/02/709203191/boeings-not-alone-in-companies-that-government-agencies-have-let-self-regulate

For this question, you will consider the relationship of Government, Business and Society and specifically the concept of Government Regulation of Business, using the Boeing case presented as an example.  SELECT A POSITION ON THE REGULATION CONTINUUM AS DEMONSTRATED BELOW.

1.  Define and discuss the type of regulation espoused using concepts from the eBook and examples from the case to support your recommendations. When referring to a concept, you must include the definition from the eBook to establish its meaning.

2.  Applying the regulation continuum selection and reasoning as a guide, answer the following specific questions. Environmental Issues, Data security and Government Regulation Essay.

·       Explain the arguments for and against airline manufacturers being allowed to self-regulate airplane’s safety testing and features? Which arguments support your position on the continuum?

·       Explain the arguments for privately owned companies being allowed to lobby against safety regulations? Which arguments support your position on the continuum?

·       What examples, beyond Boeing support your selection and recommendations? Be specific.  This question will require research. Environmental Issues, Data security and Government Regulation Essay.

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