ELEC-698 Single-Hop Network For Sensing Luminosity Assignment Papers.

ELEC-698 Single-Hop Network For Sensing Luminosity Assignment Papers.

Looking for an experienced electrical engineer to write literature review for my report on single-hop lab using wireless iris sensor.

your jobs is the following:

go over my report to understand the problem and how we solve it (also fix any grammer problems).
write five literature review from five different article to compare them with my lab report in ieee format in term of single-hop network.

I attach the lab assignment description and the my lab report.


Single-Hop Network for Sensing Luminosity
• To program two wireless sensor nodes that measure luminosity and send the measurements to a
sink in a single-hop manner
Required Hardware:
• MIB520 USB Interface Board
• 3 IRIS Wireless Sensor Nodes
• 2 MD100CB Sensor Boards
• 4 AA Batteries
• USB Cable
• PC
Required Software:
• Linux Ubuntu
• Eclipse SDK
• TinyOS
1. Set up the development system as instructed in steps 1 through 9 of lab assignment 1. ELEC-698 Single-Hop Network For Sensing Luminosity Assignment Papers.
2. Create a TinyOS project to implement your SensingLuminosity application as instructed in step
10 of lab assignment 1. The name of your project should be SensingLuminosityYourFirstName
(e.g., the instructor’s project title would be SensingLuminosityGustavo).
3. Create the source files of your project as indicated in step 11 of lab assignment 1. The names of
the module and configuration files should be as follows:
• Module file: “SensingLuminosityC”
• Configuration file: “SensingLuminosityAppC”
• Header file: “SensingLuminosity”
• Makefile
The source code of the previous three files can be found in the last pages of this document.


source code of the module file SensingLuminosityC is not complete. You need to complete it as
explained in the next step.
4. The module controls the operation of the application. It starts the radio at boot time, and it starts
a periodic timer when the radio has been initialized. A measurement of the luminosity is
requested every time the timer fires, and once all the measurements that can fit in one packet
have been obtained, the packet is transmitted. The code is not complete in the events
Timer.fired() and ReadLuminosity.readDone(error_t error, uint16_t sample). The missing code
is supposed to request the luminosity measurements and store the completed measurements
respectively. You need to review all the source code in the module and configuration files in
order to be able to complete the source code.
Tip: You can access the TinyOS source files in the TinyOS libraries to find out how you can
request and process a completed measurement. The TinyOS project, which includes the
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libraries, is available at https://github.com/tinyos/tinyos-main. You can use the search tool. ELEC-698 Single-Hop Network For Sensing Luminosity Assignment Papers.

example, you can search for “interface Read” and “DemoSensorC”.
5. To program the wireless sensor nodes, the two ports assigned to the MIB520 board need to be
set with read and write attributes as instructed in step 15 of lab assignment 1.
Important: You will need to repeat this step anytime you disconnect and connect the MIB520
board back to the PC.
6. Now, install the project on two nodes using the node IDs assigned by the instructor and verify
that they work as expected using the Oscilloscope application as indicated in step 7. Also, you
need to make the constant AM_LUMINOSITY different from that one of your classmates.
Otherwise, your Oscilloscope will show measurements of not only your project but those of
other students who have the same AM_LUMINOSITY value. You should AM_LUMINOSITY
equal to one of the node IDs assigned to you in lab assignment 3 plus 0x90. Important: You
need to connect the MDA100CB sensor board to the node after you program it and before you
turn it on. The sensor board has the photoresistor to measure luminosity.
7. Install the BaseStation application in one of your nodes.
8. Download into your src folder the following two files available on MyLMU Connect:
• Oscilloscope.h
• java.zip
Make sure all values in Oscilloscope.h match the corresponding values in SensingLuminosity.h.
Pay special attention to AM_OSCILLOSCOPE in Oscilloscope.h. It needs to be equal to
AM_LUMINOSITY in SensingLuminosity.h. Uncompress the file java.zip. Uncompressing
java.zip generates a folder called java. Using the Ubuntu file manager, go to the uncompressed
java folder and right click on the file called run. Select the option Properties. A window will
open. Go to the tab called Permissions and make sure that the checkbox called Execute is
checked. Close the properties window. Now go back to the terminal window and open a new
tab by clicking on File -> Open Tab. Go to the uncompressed java folder. Compile the
Oscilloscope application by executing the following two commands:
• make clean
• make ELEC-698 Single-Hop Network For Sensing Luminosity Assignment Papers.
To run the Oscilloscope application, you need to run the SerialForwarder first. The
SerialForwarder is a server application that is part of TinyOS. You should connect it to the Base
Station with the command below. Once connected to the Base Station, client applications can
connect to the SerialForwarder. All client applications that connect, will receive a copy of the
stream of packets that the BaseStation listens to. In this lab assignment, you will connect only
one client. This is the Oscilloscope application. Open a new tab in your terminal window as
indicated previously and execute the following command (the Base Station must be connected):
• java net.tinyos.sf.SerialForwarder –comm serial@/dev/ttyUSB1:iris
Finally, go back to the tab for the Oscilloscope and execute the following command:
• ./run
9. Verify that the nodes are measuring luminosity with the Oscilloscope. First, you need to set the
vertical scale of the Oscilloscope from 0 to 4000, and then cover the photoresistor with your
hand and check whether the measurements drop. The previous upper limit of 4000 may need to
be changed depending on the amount of light in the laboratory.
10. Take a snapshot of the Oscilloscope application showing variations on the luminosity of the two
sensor nodes. Take a picture with your cellphone showing how you changed the amount of light
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on the photo resistor. You need to include these pictures in the section on experimental
evaluation of your report. ELEC-698 Single-Hop Network For Sensing Luminosity Assignment Papers.
11. Obtain the signature from the instructor to show that all steps where completed successfully.
Instructor’s Signature Date
12. Shut down the system as follows:
• Close all open files in Eclipse
• Close all open folders of your project in Eclipse
• Close your project in Eclipse
• Exit Eclipse: File -> Exit
• Exit the terminal window: enter the command exit
• Close any other programs such as file manager, Internet browser, etc.
• Press the Ubuntu button at the right top of the screen
• Select the Shut down option
The lab report needs to include the following sections: title, abstract, introduction (i.e., problem
statement and relevance of the problem), system description (i.e., what hardware and software are used,
how they connect and interact, and what can be done with the whole system), proposed solution (e.g.,
flow chart) including source code and its explanation, experimental evaluation, and conclusions. The
report needs to be submitted in the IEEE format, available at
The title should be “Lab Assignment 7: Single-Hop Network for Sensing Luminosity”
The introduction needs to:
• summarize the objective of the assignment in one paragraph
• explain in one paragraph why you think it is important to learn how to meet that objective, i.e.,
what do you think you are learning from this assignment? how is it useful?
• give an outline of the report in one paragraph; for example, the outline could start with “This
report is organized as follows. In Section II, a description of the hardware and software used is
provided. Section III describes the solution that was implemented to install the nesC application
The system description needs to describe the architecture of the system including software and
hardware. You need to explain the purpose of each hardware and software element and the purpose of
the system as a whole. Make sure you include the MDA100CB sensor board in your explanation. ELEC-698 Single-Hop Network For Sensing Luminosity Assignment Papers.
The proposed solution needs to explain in your own words the C and nesC code in the header, module,
and configuration files. Also, all the steps followed to install and verify the correct operation of the
code need to be explained in your own words. These steps correspond to those of the procedure listed
in this assignment. Therefore, you need to explain each step in your own words.



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