Critical Evaluation Essay – ‘I Have a Dream’ Essay.

Critical Evaluation Essay – ‘I Have a Dream’ Essay.


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Instructions: Your first essay – the critical evaluation essay – is due at the end of week three. In this essay, you will be critically evaluating a classic argument.Critical Evaluation Essay – ‘I Have a Dream’ Essay.


Choose one argument from the historic American works listed in the “Supplemental Readings” section of the course lessons. Decide whether this argument is successful or not. If you decide this essay is successful, discuss why. You may use the structure of the argument, the tone, and the various types of support (ethos, pathos, and logos) as proof of the argument’s success.Critical Evaluation Essay – ‘I Have a Dream’ Essay. Make sure that your thesis has an introduction that contains a hook and a thesis, body paragraphs that discuss one proof at a time (one paragraph per example), and a conclusion. If you decide that the essay is not successful, then discuss the fallacies that the argument makes. You are still required to have a strong introduction (hook and thesis), body paragraphs that discuss one fallacy at a time, and a conclusion. You may also discuss how the essay is successful with reservations. In this case, point to both the support and the fallacies you have found in the work.Critical Evaluation Essay – ‘I Have a Dream’ Essay.

You are not offering personal or historical commentary, or responding to the ideas in the argument; you are evaluating the argument itself, in rhetorical terms.This paper should be at least 700 words, but no more than 850. The paper should be formatted correctly MLA style and written in third person (do not use the words I, me, us, we, or you).  The essay should also contain citations and a works cited list based on your selected essay in the assigned readings. Critical Evaluation Essay – ‘I Have a Dream’ Essay. Formulate the structured response from your own close reading of the text. Do not use outside sources (open Web) without explicit permission from the instructor.


The American history is intrigued in the actions and speeches of great men and women, whom through their efforts have led to great societal impact with memorable history over the years. One such iconic influencers was the Martin Luther King, Jr. Who through his efforts as an activist for civil rights left a memorable event through a speech he delivered on 28th august 1963, at the Lincoln memorial park which was dabbed ‘I have a Dream’ with a dedicated message on equality in employment and end of racism within the American society (Feit, 2017).Critical Evaluation Essay – ‘I Have a Dream’ Essay. This speech was no doubt an expression of what many Americans, especially those of color were experiencing in their quest for livelihoods, as well as interaction with others. This essay will explore on the ‘I have a Dream’ speech and whether Martin Luther King, Jr. message has brought any noticeable change (Success) in the modern America.Critical Evaluation Essay – ‘I Have a Dream’ Essay.

The ‘I Have A Dream’Speech Success Analysis

The Luther King, Jr. speech ‘I have a dream’ has over the years elicited reactions on the emerging issues on equality in areas such as human rights, employment sector, as well as matters to do with racism. As such, it is viewed by analysts as an expression for a large American population who face discrimination every day whether in the quest for justice, seeking employment or in the interaction with other community members. With all these aspects in consideration, the biggest question is whether the speech message has had any success for what it was intended 57 years ago(McGuire& Hutchings, 2007).Critical Evaluation Essay – ‘I Have a Dream’ Essay.

The speech message mainly focused on two essential elements which are freedom and equality. During the time of the speech, there was a heightened job crisis and rising racism among the Americans with most of them being the people of color. The suffering had led to many being discriminated in the places of work, inequality in pay as well as rising racism directed to people of color (McGuire& Hutchings, 2007). The speech drew from the notion that the EmancipationProclamation which had been declared a century before on the abolition of slavery had little effect as part of the society acted in the notion that there are those who enjoy more rights than others within the society composition mainly based on their color(Feit, 2017).Critical Evaluation Essay – ‘I Have a Dream’ Essay.The success of the sentiments expressed within the speech can be termed to be a mix of success with reservations. The freedom and equality are still a struggle within the American diverse society where people with color continue to experience the discrimination in the hands of the authority, the law makers, as well as the fellow community members. Nevertheless, there has been remarkable milestones made through the years, especially on the community enlightenment on matters to do with freedom and equality with specific efforts driven towards issues to do with racism.Critical Evaluation Essay – ‘I Have a Dream’ Essay.

The speech advocated for togetherness both with individual obligation, the society and the authority in equal measure to fight against discriminations. As such,Luther King, Jr.  dream was attainable only if there was willingness on the people to exercise equality in general backed up by the authority efforts of protection and upholding justice(Feit, 2017). The society seem to have taken charge on some matters, especially to do with democracy where in the past few decades, people of color have risen to senior government positions, a rare event that was not observed there before. A good example is the election of Barrack Obama as American president, a historical milestone that has been brought about by struggle for equality and justice for the people of color. Civil rights movements such as ‘Black Lives Matter’ have also assisted the Luther King, Jr. dream in the quest for equality and justice for the marginalized communities and people of color (McCluney, et al., 2017). The continued pressure for reforms in the judicial system and the police conduct has seen resignation of senior court officers who have been implicated to have taken part in offences that touch on racism or exercising partial justice when it comes to people of color. Several police officers too have been convicted where there has been enough proof on their misconduct.Critical Evaluation Essay – ‘I Have a Dream’ Essay.

On the other hand, this journey for the quest of freedom and equality still experiences the challenges that Luther King, Jr. pinpointed 57 years ago(Feit, 2017). Discrimination towards the people of color is still rampant contributing to a large number of reported and unreported cases on racism. The racialized police misconduct has seen a spike of demonstrations and rise of civil rights movements such as ‘Black live Matters’, all echoed towards the increased oppression of people with color(McCluney, et al., 2017).Critical Evaluation Essay – ‘I Have a Dream’ Essay. In a recent event at Minneapolis, the police have been widely blamed to have mishandled perry Floyd Jr., a man of African-American descent, leading to his death thereafter. Such acts still spike the emotions of a society that still struggles with equality and freedom largely jeopardizingthe Luther King, Jr. dream of free America that gives opportunity to individuals regardless of their color, race, or gender (Camfield, 2015).Critical Evaluation Essay – ‘I Have a Dream’ Essay.


In a recap, the speech by Luther King, Jr. dabbed ‘I have a dream is undoubtable one of the great events that America will ever experience. The dream that Martin had 57 years ago is still vivid and America seems to take more time in realizing the dream though the continued struggle for freedom and equality is starting to bear fruits. The success of the speech in the realization of the dream can in a nutshell be termed as a mixed of success with reservations that will be proven otherwise by time.Critical Evaluation Essay – ‘I Have a Dream’ Essay.


Critical Evaluation Essay – ‘I Have a Dream’


The American history is intrigued in the actions and speeches of great men and women, whom through their efforts have led to great societal impact with memorable history over the years. One such iconic influencers was the Martin Luther King, Jr. Who through his efforts as an activist for civil rights left a memorable event through a speech he delivered on 28th august 1963, at the Lincoln memorial park which was dabbed ‘I have a Dream’ with a dedicated message on equality in employment and end of racism within the American society(Kingn.p.). This speech was no doubt an expression of what many Americans, especially those of color were experiencing in their quest for livelihoods, as well as interaction with others. This essay will explore on the ‘I have a Dream’ speech and whether Martin Luther King, Jr. message has brought any noticeable change (Success) in the modern America.Critical Evaluation Essay – ‘I Have a Dream’ Essay.

The ‘I Have A Dream’Speech Success Analysis

The Luther King, Jr. speech ‘I have a dream’ has over the years elicited reactions on the emerging issues on equality in areas such as human rights, employment sector, as well as matters to do with racism. As such, it is viewed by analysts as an expression for a large American population who face discrimination every day whether in the quest for justice, seeking employment or in the interaction with other community members. With all these aspects in consideration, the biggest question is whether the speech message has had any success for what it was intended 57 years ago.Critical Evaluation Essay – ‘I Have a Dream’ Essay.

The speech message mainly focused on two essential elements which are freedom and equality. During the time of the speech, there was a heightened job crisis and rising racism among the Americans with most of them being the people of color. The suffering had led to many being discriminated in the places of work, inequality in pay as well as rising racism directed to people of color.Critical Evaluation Essay – ‘I Have a Dream’ Essay. The speech drew from the notion that the EmancipationProclamation which had been declared a century before on the abolition of slavery had little effect as part of the society acted in the notion that there are those who enjoy more rights than others within the society composition mainly based on their color.The success of the sentiments expressed within the speech can be termed to be a mix of success with reservations. The freedom and equality are still a struggle within the American diverse society where people with color continue to experience the discrimination in the hands of the authority, the law makers, as well as the fellow community members.Critical Evaluation Essay – ‘I Have a Dream’ Essay. Nevertheless, there has been remarkable milestones made through the years, especially on the community enlightenment on matters to do with freedom and equality with specific efforts driven towards issues to do with racism.Critical Evaluation Essay – ‘I Have a Dream’ Essay.

The speech advocated for togetherness both with individual obligation, the society and the authority in equal measure to fight against discriminations. As such, Luther King, Jr.  dream was attainable only if there was willingness on the people to exercise equality in general backed up by the authority efforts of protection and upholding justice. The society seem to have taken charge on some matters, especially to do with democracy where in the past few decades, people of color have risen to senior government positions, a rare event that was not observed there before.Critical Evaluation Essay – ‘I Have a Dream’ Essay. A good example is the election of Barrack Obama as American president, a historical milestone that has been brought about by struggle for equality and justice for the people of color. Civil rights movements such as ‘Black Lives Matter’ have also assisted the Luther King, Jr. dream in the quest for equality and justice for the marginalized communities and people of color. The continued pressure for reforms in the judicial system and the police conduct has seen resignation of senior court officers who have been implicated to have taken part in offences that touch on racism or exercising partial justice when it comes to people of color. Several police officers too have been convicted where there has been enough proof on their misconduct.Critical Evaluation Essay – ‘I Have a Dream’ Essay.

On the other hand, this journey for the quest of freedom and equality still experiences the challenges that Luther King, Jr. pinpointed 57 years ago (Kingn.p.). Discrimination towards the people of color is still rampant contributing to a large number of reported and unreported cases on racism. The racialized police misconduct has seen a spike of demonstrations and rise of civil rights movements such as ‘Black live Matters’, all echoed towards the increased oppression of people with color. In a recent event at Minneapolis, the police have been widely blamed to have mishandled perry Floyd Jr., a man of African-American descent, leading to his death thereafter. Such acts still spike the emotions of a society that still struggles with equality and freedom largely jeopardizingthe Luther King, Jr. dream of free America that gives opportunity to individuals regardless of their color, race, or gender.Critical Evaluation Essay – ‘I Have a Dream’ Essay.


In a recap, the speech by Luther King, Jr. dabbed ‘I have a dream is undoubtable one of the great events that America will ever experience. The dream that Martin had 57 years ago is still vivid and America seems to take more time in realizing the dream though the continued struggle for freedom and equality is starting to bear fruits. The success of the speech in the realization of the dream can in a nutshell be termed as a mixed of success with reservations that will be proven otherwise by time.Critical Evaluation Essay – ‘I Have a Dream’ Essay.

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