Branches Of Statistical Methods Essay

Branches Of Statistical Methods Essay

Assignment: Branches of statistical methods


Assignment: Branches of statistical methods


1) John wants to train his dog, Spot, to shake hands. John decides to reward Spot with a treat every time Spot raises his paw. John hopes to increase Spot’s handshaking behavior by following the behavior with a reward. This is an example of  Branches Of Statistical Methods Essay

A. [removed] aversive conditioning
B. [removed] positive reinforcement
C. [removed] extinction
D. [removed] negative reinforcement
2) Philosophers who believe that truth can emerge from the careful use of reason are known as

A. [removed] Dualists
B. [removed] Rationalists
C. [removed] Nativists
D. [removed] Empiricists
3) The two branches of statistical methods are  Branches Of Statistical Methods Essay

A. [removed] quadratic; quantitative
B. [removed] informal; formal
C. [removed] quantitative; qualitative
D. [removed] consumer; quantum
4) In a topographical representation of the motor cortex, the homunculus is the largest area devoted to

A. [removed] arms and legs
B. [removed] the face
C. [removed] the tongue
D. [removed] the hands
5) What theorist presents a hierarchy of needs and motivations?

A. [removed] Abraham Maslow
B. [removed] Carl Jung
C. [removed] B.F. Skinner
D. [removed] Sigmund Freud
6) Which of the following would be a concern for a person during early adulthood?Branches Of Statistical Methods Essay

A. [removed] Relationships
B. [removed] Midlife Crisis
C. [removed] Leisure-time activities
D. [removed] Civic responsibility
7) In operant conditioning, which of the following is accurate?

A. [removed] Any response that is followed by a reinforcing stimulus tends to be repeated.
B. [removed] Any response that is followed by reward tends to become extinct.
C. [removed] Any response that is preceded by a reinforcing stimulus tends to be repeated.
D. [removed] Any response that is followed by punishment is likely to not be repeated.
8) The child begins to initiate, not imitate activities; to develop a conscience; and to experience a sexual identity. The ______stage, as defined by Erik Erikson, involves the crisis of initiative versus guilt.Branches Of Statistical Methods Essay

A. [removed] Infant
B. [removed] Preschooler
C. [removed] School-age child
D. [removed] Toddler
9) Which theorist is most associated with Social Learning Theory?

A. [removed] Carl Rogers
B. [removed] Albert Bandura
C. [removed] Rollo May
D. [removed] B.F. Skinner
10) Which of the following is one of the five subtypes of schizophrenia?

A. [removed] Delusional
B. [removed] Organized
C. [removed] Complex
D. [removed] Catatonic
11) The two psychologists credited with being the main founders of Industrial and Organizational Psychology are Branches Of Statistical Methods Essay

A. [removed] Sherlin and Billingsly
B. [removed] Freud and Jung
C. [removed] Hebb and Skinner
D. [removed] Munsterberg and Scott
12) Culture-bound syndromes refer to

A. [removed] medical conditions found in geographic areas of the world
B. [removed] medical or psychic conditions limited to specific societies or cultural areas
C. [removed] cultural names for common conditions found around the world
D. [removed] medical or psychic conditions that are influenced by cultural factors
13) Environmental psychology can be defined as a behavioral science that investigates the interrelationships between

A. [removed] physical environment and human behavior
B. [removed] emotional motivations and human behavior
C. [removed] family dynamic and work behavior
D. [removed] biological causes of physiological disregard
14) Validity in testing refers to which of the following?Branches Of Statistical Methods Essay

A. [removed] Test scores are stable
B. [removed] Different forms of the test can be used
C. [removed] The test is measuring what it set to measure
D. [removed] Whether the test is available in different languages
15) Most psychotherapists would describe themselves as being

A. [removed] Psychoanalytic
B. [removed] Behavioral
C. [removed] Cognitive
D. [removed] Eclectic Branches Of Statistical Methods Essay

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